
Well-known Member
Today marks day three since knee surgery. I'm dying over here.

I was a good boy yesterday and layed on the couch all day. It actually wasn't too bad but I will guarantee that was the first day of its kind in at least 20 years. If I do that again today I will go mental.

I don't want to start any projects cause I will probably get screamed at when the other half gets off work. I have to do something, though. It is my left knee, but I was actually thinking about climbing onto the loader tractor to see if I could use the other leg to work the clutch. There is some manure I could move. Course, I probably wouldn't be able to get myself moved around fast enough to hit the brakes and run into a gate or something.

What do you guys do when you are forced to be in the house? Seems folks like us don't take well to siting around. I have to do something before this costs me money - I have been laying here thinking the furnace sounds funny when it kicks on and I should probably look into it. The furnace was brand new two months ago.

Anyone got any ideas for a stir-crazy redneck?
Books are the best thing I have found, or you could learn to play a musical instrument if you don't already. A harmonica is cheap and you can have a lot of fun with one, or there are lots of other options depending what appeals to you.
I went through that last spring with neck surgery, and am going through it again this winter with shoulder surgery. I tried to get back at it to soon last time and paid for it. Get a pile of books and read them.
Had a knee and hip replaced in the past. Don"t you have exercises to do. They wouldn"t let me lay around. Better to keep it limber or it will lock up. It was winter when I had Mine done and drove tractors pushing snow. I knew I had used it but didn"t hurt anything. Hope you get along good. John
Good morning,

I would suggest visiting Youtube. You can spend hours watching some great videos. Anything you can think of, you can find it on Youtube. If you want to cook something but don't know how, you can find it on Youtube. There's also every kind of tractor video you could ever imagine. If you ever wondered how something was done or made, find it on Youtube.
It's easy to do a search and then just go down the list and start watching.
Give it a try, you can spend hours learning. Never too old to learn.
i had new knee about 4 years and thought i was feeling good enough to drive a tractor. WRONG!
i got on my massey 333 thought i could take it for a drive or something.
i did that, almost had massey harris 333 mate with my dodge 1500 pickup truck.
i couldn't move my left foot fast enough to shove the clutch in.
i turned key off real fast
I know where you're coming from. I had knee surgery in June of 97. That was before we had internet and satellite TV. Daytime tv on the "farmer four" really sucks. As someone else said you can spend a lot of time on youtube. Could also google search something that interests you. Sometimes find some interesting things that way. Good luck with your recovery.
Boredom is a foreign concept to me. Too many things left on my bucket list, many of which don't require a good leg.

If you're a reader, there's something like 16 or 17 books in the 'Jack Reacher' series. Page-turners.
Been there...laid up after surgery. Use it as a time to exercise....your brain. Not sure how old you are are some things to consider.

If you are younger, what is your plan for the rest of your life? What do you want to own? Why? Where do you want to live .....and how do you plan to execute your desires. Are you pushing your children to succeed or just letting them grow up?

These are things every older person should do but never takes the time to do.

Write down what you can remember of your family tree, where they lived what they did, when they died and your rememberances of them. Don't forget to add your own details for your grandkids.

Make a list of the important or precious stuff you own and how you want to dispose/gift it when you are gone.

Think through and write down a rough outline of your will. Should be a good start for a lawyer to formalize into a legal document.

Make a list of what you believe...about family, about religion, about how governemt should operate. This really helps you distill your own positions on many issues. For example: Do you believe one should operate without credit/debt and pay cash for purchases....or borrow money to expand and grow? Do you believe religion makes people better, worse or no different?

If you don't like to type, talk into a recorder.

I would like to know something about my forefathers besides a few old photos, but they left little or no insight into their beliefs and personalities.
When forced to stay indoors(usually weather related) I reload. I reload about 15 different calibers. Kids and grandkids love to come over and shoot cuz they always stop before we come even close to running out of ammo. I like to make stuff out of leather. Pretty good at it too. It might sound funny for a man my age but I also like to build model airplanes. Find alot of discontinued models on ebay. TV not always an option.
I had a knee worked on a couple of years ago. Blew it out and didn't have the option on picking when it got fixed. They worked on it in June. I had hay to cut and bale and other things like fishing to do. Don't push it! I did and what should have healed up in a couple of weeks turn into an extra 4 weeks on crutches. Plus my knee still isn't right. Need a new one but VA wants me to wait a few more years. So I'm still using a brace and cane.


I lay around and hobble a round and find things for the wife to do, and then follow her around and advise on procedure, Then hobble around some more, and inspect her work. Just kidding, wouldn't that be a good way to get to need more surgeries.
Ok so your bored. #1 pick up the good book as in the Bible and start reading it on page one and read it till your have read to the last page. Believe me that is something FEW people have ever done O know I have done so almost.
#2 if you do not like #1 pick up a book you have not read and start reading it.
#3 read some of your tractor manuals cover to cover and maybe the next time you work on that tractor you will remember what you read. This comes from some one who has BTDT and have a 5 and a half inch scare on my back to prove it plus a few other scares
Edd in KY offered some very good suggestions. When I am forced to stay inside I try to catch up on reading magazines, organize papers, etc. If you have any old records or cassettes or even CDs that need organizing, that will take up some time. A few years ago I organized all my cassettes and cds into catagories such as country, easy listening, big bands, etc. And if you need some company, turn on the radio, DO NOT turn on the tv during the day! That will really drive you nuts!
I would take the advice that "old" gave, people have forgot to read the bible thats what is the problem with Amercia today.
Last winter I broke a toe left foot.
Replaced clutch return spring with a really weak one to get through chores
Hand clutch on plow tractor made clearing snow painless.
I bet you have a jig saw puzzle in one of the closets. Lay down some cardboard or heavy paper on the table and glue each piece down as you put it together. Takes more time that way and when done you can frame it and hang it in the garage.
When I read the title of your post the first thing to enter my mind was to suggest that you can come help me hang and run wire to ceiling fans in the shop, bending conduit and the whole works. But it doesn't sound like that will work, so maybe you could sit there in a recliner and remind me of what I'm forgetting to do. LOL! I hope you can get back on your feet soon.

I had the third injection of lubricant in my left knee about a week ago and the jury is still out on it's effectiveness. One side of the joint is bone-on-bone but the other side still has a little gap. Climbing the ladder actually helps it feel a little better. But on the flip side the legs run out of gas too soon. Jim
You didn't say how old you are or if the doctor has you on pain killers. Your writing is good so I'll assume you are not heavily medicated.

As others have said - Stay off the tractor or you will likely need to re-do the whole surgury and forced time-off all over again! You know you can run your tractors in your sleep and sooner or later you will hit the clutch with the sore leg without thinking and wipe out all the doctors work. I'm not trying to be mean, it's just that most of us have tried to get back to doing things too early after surgury and we are paying for it for the rest of our lives.

After this is over you will think of many things that you could have done, but didn't.

This might be a good time to do the jobs that you hate to do when the weather is good:
Do your year-end book-keeping;
Start on your taxes and get your refunds back earlier;
Peel the potatoes for tonight's supper;
then sharpen the kitchen knives;
Clean-out your computer hard drives and back them up;
Make sure you have a recovery disk made for each computer;
If you are due for a new computer, phone or other electronics, get it now and learn to use it while you have the time;
Do the excercises that your doctor prescribes;
Read what interests you, books, operators manuals, etc.;
Write letters or e-mails;
Invite friends, family and neighbors over to visit. Ask them to loan you some magazines and books that they liked.
Work on some puzzles, games, etc.
Organize your pictures and look through old photo albumns or old letters;
Plan next spring's garden, field crops, or livestock herds.
Sort out those clothes that you never wear anymore.
Think about what hobbies you would like to try if you had the time, and try them.
Look up your favorite movies and old TV shows on, or and watch a few of them.

Do some long-term planning for later in-life when you retire or if you cannot continue in your present line of work - then follow doctor's orders and take care of yourself so you still can still do whatever you want for as long as possible.

Have a speedy recovery!
I had foot surgery on Dec. 14; things coming along good but you can't rush bone healing. Got a "Mom Lecture" from my cute, blonde surgeon about continuing to keep taking it easy and SHE will make the determination as to when I can open up the throttle a little bit.

I've been in a recliner for the last two weeks,foot elevated, reading, watching DVD's, etc. But-I'm kind of an "out and about" guy and this drill is getting old fast! Go back Monday to get stitches out and will talk to her about when I might get on a tractor again. Did go down and mess around at the reloading bench for awhile this afternoon.

Know what you are going through!
After reading the topic about you being bored that "notjustair" posted, I did A few puzzle my self. I put them together, then got some cardboard and paste them to it.Some have 500 some 750 and 1000 peaces. I put them in my shop.
Along with my hammer cllection.


Hammer Man
depends what kind of surgery you had--I had arthroscopic and was down for about 3 days

Just had knee replacement in august and they had me up and walking on the second day--went home on the third day and started therapy the 4 th day--which included 4 hrs a day on a flex machine
was back on my tractor at 10 days but still do the stretching and strengthening exercises every other day
Hammer Man:


A number of years ago, I was working alone in my shop (no other living person within 1/2 mile) and I turner around to pick up a hammer that I had just been using a few minutes before, and it was gone - it had literally VANISHED! I've searched high & low for that hammer, all to no avail.

Now I know where my hammer went, HAMMER HEAVEN . Great collection, thanks for posting the photos.


I had one done four weeks ago tomorrow. I was back to work in a week and a half and full range of motion after two weeks, then flat on my back again for four days 'cause I was pushing it too hard. It takes a few weeks of exercise to bring the muscles back that were not getting full use for months prior to surgery. Reading your Bible can enable you to see all kinds of wrong things that people say about it. As with any other subject people are always giving as gospel things that "everybody" knows when actually the Bible never says it, or it is taken out of context. Enjoy your rest. I watched a lot of movies on Netflix.
I've had both knees worked on...meniscus..and was told to do gentle exercises after a few weeks...Don't know what your surgery was..

But your upper body sounds ok...get some weights and sitting down do some lifts...curls...anything that doesn't work the knee..

Books, as many have games..checkers...chess...
Do some modeling....glue...desk..razor blades...rubber bands..paint..all easy activities...

Wrecked my arm..shoulder..ribs from flippin my march 12' that really limits what you can do...
A neighbor left one of those here a few days ago, and I can tell you that they aren't good for someone who has a lot of work to get done!! I got to reading it the other night, and could hardly put it down. It was around two o'clock before I finally made myself put it down and go to sleep. That is the first one of those that I had read, now I have to find some more. 61 Hours was the name of this one.
Look real close see if you can see your six hammers in my collection. If you live in SD, well
I don t think I have any of yours, as I live in E. Texas. I have never been to SD.

Come to see me, we will look them over.
I just have little over 450 hanging up now.

Hammer Man
If you had an ol JD with a hand clutch you could still be pulling your weight! :lol:

I agree, its best to rest and do your exercises. I broke an ankle the summer of 2000, and I didn't follow the doctors orders. I feel the ankle whenever the weather is changing.
Go on, and do something. I had ACL tendon replaced, late March, 2000. Had a cow die in the pasture, about a week later. Picked her up with the FE loader on the AC D-15, and some log chains, in the snow. You never know how many times you have to get on and off a tractor, to open gates, till you gots a sore knee! Crutch came in handy, to work the clutch, but mostly I used the hand clutch!

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