Deer Rifle Opening Morning


My son, 13 yrs old, shot his first dear at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday with a little Rossi .243. He was as happy as a meadow lark.

BTW, this is tractor related because of the second picture.


My son and I were just talking about his first deer, taken in 1989...

Now his nephews, age 10 and 13 take part...

Congrats to both of you!

Tell’m congrats.

When my boy was 14 I took him out. He was required to be able to hold and shoot my Mossberg 20ga free standing before I would take him deer hunting. We went out behind the old sugar shack and sat down between a couple big maples. My boy was moving around a bit and I told him he needed to be still. His reply was but I can’t see the deer then. I replied, be still, when they come, you will see them. He said but it keeps moving. I said, what are you talking about? He said that deer. Well I couldn’t see it and figured he was just seeing things. With him bouncing around like that I figured not a chance. So I told him if it came out and you can see it real good, where he could shoot it, do it. I sit back and scan around the other way, and BANG! Just about gave me a heart attack….

Needless to say he had been watching a doe for 20 minutes and didn’t feel the need to tell me one was there. Tad over 50 yards. First doe, weighed dress out at 130lbs. Go figure…….

Two years later and he has a 10 point wall hanger. Dress out at 185. 12ga 78 yards, dropped it right where it stood.

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