PIX of our sleeping giant!!!!

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Well as I posted sometime back, Son and I got the tractor shed up but not covered yet.Next year. Tarped the 706 and hope we don't have to use it to move snow.Snow started today. Haven't put on the tire chains ,and took out the battery to the shop basement for charging. Like Said"ROME WASN"T BUILT IN A DAY."Was hoping to have the shed finished buttttttt ran out of funds. My old pal use to say, NEXT LIFE.lol. LOU.

leave plenty of air spaces around the bottom of that tight plastic tarp or you will trap a lot of moisture and rust the crap out of the tractor.
Yep, there is about a foot short on the sides and rear of the tractor for air flow.nice to give others who read this that info.LOU
37Chief , Ours used to only have a tarp, it set out next to the garage with the tarp,a battery tender and the tank heater plugged into the block,but only plugged into the outlet a couple of hours before using. Only used it once for snow repileing,but it worked good. Only problem was when we had a lot of snow on the tarp, someone was going to get wet removing it from the tractor.Snow bath,lol. or Avalanche.
Well heck Lou you just needed to take some 2x4s and nail that blue tarp around the out side of the shed. Who needs steel siding when you can get a new blue tarp for under twenty bucks!! LOL

There is a guy close to me that has a bunch of old cars and stuff. He just drives two pieces of rebar in the ground and takes a 20 foot long 3/4 PVC pipe and makes it into a bow/hoop. He does them about every four feet in a row. He then cover the bow/hoops with a blue or gray tarp. He then just covers the out side edge with gravel to hold the trap on. I bet he has 10-12 of these little hoop buildings. He never seems to have any issues with the wind blowing the traps off.
I tried that and first snow collapsed the hoops. Our snow is probably heavier than most folks due to our mild weather here in western WA.
(quoted from post at 21:10:05 10/25/12) Yep, there is about a foot short on the sides and rear of the tractor for air flow.nice to give others who read this that info.LOU
Why not just use a couple furring strips (or whatever you can scrounge) and suspend the tarp to the walls and fasten it at the bottom?? Looks big enough. No trapped moisture that way and, if you have a situation that only an ugly tractor can handle, you won't have to fight a tarp except lifting the front.

Dad didn't call me sun (read son) for nuttin yaknow :roll:

Lou, why not just get a bigger tarp and put it over the top of the shed and down the sides? just a thought. Chuck
Like the idea of the shed but I agree that (if it was mine), I'd tarp the shed instead of the machine. Biggest PITA with a tarp on a machine is getting it over all the arms, pipes and stuff and then lifting it off if you want to work on it.

Also, can't tell if you've got drainage at the back of shed, but I would have built up the earth inside so any water drains OUT of the shed, not into it. I can just see a good rain (or snow melt) causing huge puddles at the back wall.
I"m betting the reason Lou didn't just "nail his tarp to the outside" is because he didn't want all you yahoo's coming on here and asking "why did you just nail a cheap azz tarp to the building"??

I admire you Lou! 'Do it right or don't do it at all!!
randallinMo: Right you are. We have a tarp that would cover the entire building, buttttttt when spring comes around again, sure don't want to re-do the work . Easy just to sheet steel the outside once and for all(my life time lol)and use a tarp for the door. We really don't need the tractor for snow removal unless all the rest of out equipment,(with bucket loaders)fails during a snow storm. I appreciate your reply.
Regards, LOU
WE had the tarps for the outside of the building, but didn"t want to take them down in the spring and pull all the staples and batting boards back off to put up steel siding. On top of that we also have to dig a ditch for power line.
As for drainage, we are pure sugar sand and can"t get water to puddle anywhere up here. Our ground id so dry, we could take Lake Superior supply and still remain dry, LOL.
Thanks for the reply, LOU
XFARMA, The steel roof would make short work of the tarp,maybe last one strong wind gust.LOL
It would be likes JDE's and others posts,POOOF, its gone.lol
Thanks for the reply,LOU
We could do that, but what a waste.lol
We tried the pvc pipe on the back of our plow truck box, first heavy snow the plastic bow became a pool and we replaced that with boards and a tarp over it.Holding for 4 years,we just replaced the tarp this fall.
Thanks for the funny, Regards, LOU
dave2, We've found out early if some thing gets temporarily patch job, it stays that way till it folds or falls down,because other projects take priority. So we try to do it right the first time.Our tractor is so ugly we HAD to cover it so it wouldn't cause an eyesore to the neighborhood. lol.
Was there a few more words after "sun" that your dad called you. LOL
Regards, LOU

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