tonights project

pickled beets with sliced red onions. 6 qt Jars and 6 pts, That should be it for canning,unless we make some apple butter in the next few weeks,I am the only one in the family that likes pickled beets,does anyone on the site like them ? I should hard boil some eggs and make red pickled eggs too.




I love pickled beets, when the wife ain't watching I open up a can and eat them. Bet those home canned beets beat those store bought junkers all to heck.

I love pickled beets but I hate the white part of boiled eggs. Making the white part red doesn't help.

I also love beets that are fixed with sugar. I think they're called "Harvard" beets (something like that).

Good going with your food preservation.

Tom in TN
I like pickled beets, I like beets, period. But I think that I am the only one in the family that does. Those beets looked pretty good, Larry, you have had a good season.
Isn't that what the diners serve in NYC as a quick little appetizer, I recall the Moonstruck diner on W 23rd use to serve beets with diced onions, hated when they switched every so often to something else, never knew I like those until I worked on that particular job, I'm not sure if they were pickled or what, they are definitely good. So these are Sugar Beets or just Beets. I'm going to have to try and grow those, see Larry, its all your fault, you keep showing us the rewards of your labor LOL. I don't care what anyone says, thinks or might get you to think, you live like a king, that garden produces the most enjoyable results !!! And, that place where it is, has a great view and peacefulness about it, its the simple things in life that make it worthwhile. I used to rush out of NYC and or NJ when off work to get home here so I could enjoy the same kinds of things, you're a hard worker putting up all that produce and jockeying between both places, and being a mason/bricklayer which is hard work to boot! I know that routine, kind of miss the city and the big jobs, but I'd always miss this patch of dirt, my home and where I grew up a heck of a lot more, there's a lot more in those jars of beets than you think, or that I can see from here LOL !!!!!
Larry, I have made many quarts and pints of pickled beats the last couple of years. I love to eat them straight out of the jar or cut up in salads.

I have also froze about 30 quart bags of sliced beets for eating with dinner.

I love beets and can stomach pickled ones. Do you ever eat the tops? That was always my favorite part of fresh beets. Haven"t been able to get any that were fresh since my grandmother quit gardening in the the 80"s.
I like pickled beets, if they're not too sweet or "clovey".

Try "Cylindra" beets- long and skinny rather than round, but more important, much finer texture and they don't get as woody when they get big.
I like the tops too,if I have any thinning out to do I eat the liitle ones I thin out,Ialso eat the tops when we pull some beets during the season. These beets were in the ground for a long time,I left them for fall,didnt have time to can them was doing tomatoes,and diffferent types of relishes
Can't beat hard boiled eggs in those pickled beets, had some on a salad for supper last night. I have had very good luck with Detroit Dark Red variety beets, not so good with some others I tried. Never tried Cylindra, but I may give them a try next year. I have been growing the Detroit Dark Red kind for 40 years. I dug the last of ours Monday.
Ilike them too. After my mother died, we cleaned out her stash of old canned goods & put it on the garden. My dog was eating the old canned (pickled) beets too.
I just put up some beets Thursday night. I plant the Detroit dark reds. No matter how hard I try not to, I end up with beet juice all over the place.
Looks great Larry.
I like pickled beets, or beets just about any way.
Borscht is really good on a cold day!

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