Ot: sports?


Well-known Member
I think I have had about enought of sports, seems like there's corruption everywheres. I like horse racing, base ball and football, they all have there problems.Today I see in the paper were Lance Armstrong was busted for dopeing?? Yet another big sport figure who many may have been a fan of, and now we find out he's a fraud. What a joke, maybe tomarrow will find out the leader of our country is a pedophile, that be a great end of week the story,.
The media has made a mess out of it. is he, or isent he guilty of it? I see Nike dropped him?? The media is such BS you don't know what to believe.
Yep just like our "pink slime"/FTLB debacle that cost how many hundreds of people their jobs. The media made a "breakthrough" story on a product that has for 20 years had a perfect safety record. It is pretty clear that many urban people think that their hamburger is ground up sirloin steaks, rather than the truth that hamburger is just beef scraps that would get thrown away because they were too small to be of a productive size. If there was one of these organizations that would not try to sensationalize everything and report basic, unbiased facts I would sure watch it. I would probably be the only one watching it though.
Greg the pink slime thing is about honesty in a product. You wouldn't be very happy with a Jinma tractor painted green and sold as a JD. It's the same thing. Person goes into the store believing they are buying ground meat and they are getting that and some slime stuff with it. That isn't on the farmer, thats on the meat packing plants. And in my mind it's dishonest. Before I started doing my own butchering I got pretty mad because if you read a lot of the labels on meat it says "water added" As much as 10%. That means a 10 pound roast is really 9 pounds with a pound of water that they charged me 3/4/5 bucks for. When you are talking about 3 buck a pound ground beef and I buy 3 pounds I expect 3 pounds of ground beef. Not 2 1/2 pounds and a 1/2 pound of slime. And I could care less about how safe it is supposed to be. If they are honest about this stuff that means they have to buy more cows to butcher. That would be good for farmers. So just why in the heck are you trying to defend it? You own stock in a packing plant?

LOL no not a stockholder here. Just the same misrepresentaion by the media also. The "pink slime" is still beef, just alot finer.
For example take some regular hamburger that you have butchered and ground up yourself, now grind it finer and finer until it is a pulp, kinda like applesauce, there is your FTLB. Now they treat it with some gas? (Can't remember right off and I'm not going to check right now either) that is used industry wide to kill any contaminants.
I personally buy a locally raised beef myself instead of going to the store for some of the water added/red food coloring beef that they keep on the shelves. However I feel that there is nothing wrong with using every bit of meat that they safely can from every critter, kind of the waste not/want not thinking. I have been told that when they went to a more mechanized style of trimming the meat off the bones there was also more waste, this process uses that which would have gone into dog food.
On a related note the blood thinner Heprin is made from hog intestines, which would have gone to waste had someone not realized this potential. There is nothing wrong with this product except the picture in my mind when I think where it came from.
Sorry for the long column, my one typing finger is sore now ;)
No need to apologize to me, just makes for a more interesting thread! Dosent bother me any.
Thats why I watch big time wrestling. No corruption, cheating, or cheesy story lines. It is real right?

Wife jokes that it is fake, if she can read romance novels (fiction), I can watch wrestling.

True, much of the sports world nowdays is filled with liers, cheats, and spoiled, newly rich people, who's only thoughts are getting more money and to heck with what they have to do to get it. Unfortunately the same is true in nearly all fields nowdays.

As far as Lance Armstrong, based on what I have heard and read about the situation, it all comes down to one thing. The media, and other competetors he has beaten, simply can't believe anyone can do the things he has done, WITHOUT CHEATING. As I understand it he has never failed a drug test, or done anything to make anyone think he would be doing anything illegal, except win more than anyone else. You know that had to make the losers mad so they have the opportunity to get their vengance and get him out of their way simply by making accusations. Then there is the media that KNOWS that you can't win if you don't cheat.....ergo he must be cheating. Wether he really is or not is irrelevant since someone doing something honestly doesn't bring in near the interest that someone getting caught cheating does.....and we all know more sales equals more money..... If he's guilty, then let them actually prove it. Problem is they have yet to prove it, but making accusations is all they needed to do to ruin him and everything he stood for. Thing is I think he knew that too, and stepping away from all the good he did, to prevent it being stained by the accusations too, was the best thing he could have done. Saddly, just like someone can't win honestly anymore, neither can they step away from something for the right reasons.....ergo by doing something selfless to keep the stain of the accusations away from all the good, then he MUST be doing it as an admition of guilt because NO ONE can do something selfless anymore....they have to have a ulterior motive.......

In the end, all I can say, is YEP, it's one screwed up world we live in nowdays when the people that our kids look up to are a bunch of liars and thieves, and the honest man is vilified because he is neither..........And I'm not just talking about sports and the whole Armstrong deal either..........
The 'pink slime' was good ground beef, ground differently, but it was far lener and made cheap ground beef a better product.

They weren't calling it tbone stwak, they were calling it what it was - ground beef.

Was bad for everyone when the media misrepresented that whole thing into a media storm about nothing.

It hurt fsrmers, consumers, and processors.

My opinion.

Armstrong, well sports is about winning, and when you mix a lot of money with sports, you end up with a lot of cheating. How many on the roads of France are _not_ cheating might be a better question?

The guy had a lot of talent to win that often either way.

Doesn't make it right, but pro sports seems one just expects - to win, you push the limits...

What get me about the cheating......or not, really makes no difference. It's a sport. I really don't care. I'm far more concerned with the up coming election, Iran, the total situation in the middle east and out national debt. I can really care less about sports.

I stopped watching fooball, baseball, basketball, and all the other stuff a long time ago. They've all turned into freak shows with the long hair, tattoos, earrings, etc.

Now the only sport I watch is pro wrestling. If I want to see a freak show, it's definitely wrestling. But it's athletes putting themselved through a lot of abuse to put on a good show and entertain people, and most of them don't make much money for it. And it's a sport that doesn't have something to do with a BALL. It's too bad that the days of Dusty Rhodes and the Sheik and Andre are gone.

And hockey was a lot more interesting before helmets were required and before the boards became plastered with advertising.
I think sports is a major problem in America.
Ask a man on the street who his elected representatives are and you'll likely get a blank stare. But ask him who's in the starting line up of his favorite team and he'll easily rattle off a few names.
People - on both sides of the aisle - talk about taking our country back or complain about our politicians. But try to get them to watch a presidential debate and you'll almost have to hog tie them. Ask them to go to a city council or school board meeting and they might - if the game aint on that night. Which there usually is.
Absentee fathers who can't recall the grades their kid got last semester in school but can rattle off all the stats in their fantasty football league.
This is Rome. Food stamps are our bread and sports are our circuses.
I do believe we have already reached the tipping point where we can't bring the country back.
People say they just want a little relief, a bit of escape from the pressures of daily life.
I see more escaping than I do dealing with the pressure.
More and more our government is telling us what to do because it is good for us. But don't bother me with that now - the game is on.
We are disengaged from the problems that face us.
Nationally only about 55% of eligible voters actually vote.
But for this great republic to function it takes an informed, engaged people.
I never understood the mass hypnosis over making a little ball do a certain thing. I can't understand how smart, grown men allow themselves to be to be hoodwinked into thinking a game is so important.
I've never liked sports. Could never get psyched up over them. And I'm more than a little saddened to see my generation throwing so much away over them.
You can have the pink slime.I have raised cattle for years and ground my on hamburger.I knew exactly what was in it.They treat meat with carbon monoxide to make it red.A friend used to buy hamburg in 10 lb bags and wrap it in small packs for the freezer until he started finding old gray hamburg in the center of the bag.You can see this in any supermarket hamburg.I have cut and wrapped my own beef for many years, never saw any bright red meat.We cant afford beef these days so I dont worry about doctored meat.They cant do much to pork and chicken breasts.
Sports! My pet peeve. Local school district spent 18 million on a sports complex. School graduates 120 to 160 per year,of these maybe 30 get a sports based scholarship,of these maybe 3 or 5 get a proffesional contract ,and of those maybe 1 every four to five years gets into the majors! 18 mllion!!!
We have heard all the crap about team building,learning to work together,ad nauseum. Life teaches you that! Sports may teach herd mentality,Sports discourages independant thinking.
If I had my druthers there would be no organized sports in the acedemic world not wholly self supporting.
"You wouldn't be very happy with a Jinma tractor painted green and sold as a JD"

Well, how about a Yanmar or Zetor painted green and sold as a JD? I know that was done for years especially with the small tractors.

(quoted from post at 17:50:14 10/18/12) I think I have had about enought of sports, seems like there's corruption everywheres. I like horse racing, base ball and football, they all have there problems.Today I see in the paper were Lance Armstrong was busted for dopeing?? Yet another big sport figure who many may have been a fan of, and now we find out he's a fraud. What a joke, maybe tomarrow will find out the leader of our country is a pedophile, that be a great end of week the story,.

I don't care much one way or the other about any sports or sports figures, but the lance thing does kinda irritate me. Guy never failed a drug test so either he's clean or he was very sophisticated with a broad support system. By all accounts, if he was doping, so was EVERY OTHER top racer in those events. In fact, cycling has been long regarded as one of the most doping intensive sports ever, system wide irregardless of nationality. Lance took a sport noone cared about and got people interested in it, and now a bunch of no names are getting their 15 minutes of fame by telling all as part of their plea bargain. To me, Lance won those titles fair on an even playing field one way or the other, and he still did it overcoming cancer. There was no way he could win against the charges this tax funded agency has leveled against him even without a single possitve test because this agency was set up solely to target high profile athletes, find a way to charge them and make an example of them. they aren't interested in everyone else, they want to take down the biggest names and drag them through the mud so they can gloat about how wonderful it is.
(quoted from post at 07:37:06 10/19/12) "You wouldn't be very happy with a Jinma tractor painted green and sold as a JD"

Well, how about a Yanmar or Zetor painted green and sold as a JD? I know that was done for years especially with the small tractors.


OK, you are taking that if a different way than intended. I should have worded it, if Jinma started painting their tractors JD Green and Yellow and sticking JD emblems on em.....

And as far as pick slime having no health risk, prove it. They used a liner in tin cans for years. Started in WWII. In the last few years they have found it in fact has health risk.

My big thing here is pink slime is NOT good for the farmer. Prices are based on demand. So if the packing plant gets 50 pound of slime off an animal that's 50 pounds of live cow they don't have to buy. They didn't drop the price of meat because of it. The packing plants pocketed that extra money and darn sure were not sharing that with the farmer. It reduced the need for them to buy more cows which decreased demand which resulted in lower prices. They did one heck of a job convincing beef growers that it was good for them but simple supply and demand tells a different story. It's like the gluing meat to make steaks. Meat that would have been ground in the past is now being made into steak reducing the need to buy more cows to meet the demand in the stores. Again, less demand, lower prices to the farmer and greater profits for the packing companies.

Lance used a hybrid type of drug that didn't show up in drug tests. There are rumours Nike paid $500,000 to officials to cover it up. When they strip his Tour de France titles, they won"t award them to the 2nd and 3rd place finishers because they have failed drug tests in other events. I wonder how many cyclists you'd have to go through to find a "clean" one?

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