Dropping out for a while.


Well-known Member
Well guys I am dropping off the forum for awhile. Been unable to sleep more than a few hours at a time now for a few months. Making me meaner than a snake at times. I can't sleep so I have been hanging out on here too much. I have been too snarky in some of my posting so I am just going to go off line for a while.

The surgery on my back helped for the first few months. Now it is worst than it was. I can't lay down without the nerves feeling like my back is on fire. If I stand up the feeling goes away. My "English as a second language" Doctor is not worth seeing any more. I can't under stand a thing he says anyway. Really disappointed in the Mayo Clinic on this go round. They did wonders with my wife but my life is worst than when they started. Before it just hurt if I hit the certain areas. Now they don't need to be hit to act up.

So I am going to just start going out the shop. I can rant and rave there with just the dog to watch. Maybe get some more work done anyway.

So bye for while. JD Seller.
Is there a Barrows Neurological Center anywhere that you can go to? I hear good things about them.
Now don't worry about hurting anybodys feelings on this board most can take it. I really enjoy hearing from you.
I had a back operation a few years ago, I found the best thing for me is to walk and keep moving. I think its best to keep the muscles in the back built up to support your spine. Dont know if it will help you but it seems to work for me. Hope you fell better soon. Back problems are a real SOB
no,you should not drop out of thr forum.I just read a nice history of Fullers Farmalls that I might not have read if you didnt post your story,It works that way sometimes on this site,its not just what you post but what comes from a post as responses. The best story I ever heard on this site started out with a guy saying he had a spam sandwich for lunch,it went on people responded,then I read a story of someone saving a childs life in a war zone with a ration of spam,By far one of the best stories I ever heard on this site,Do you remeber who wrote that story? That story and triump in life makes worring about tractors seem small, I wish I knew how to find that story in the archives,I sure would like to read it again,,,,, hang in there ,,,,Larry
Don't quit cold turkey!!! Just go on a diet. Couple of post a day. Don't know how many, but your knowledge and experience have helped someone fix something. Sitting at the computer right now probably is'nt your friend. Keep moving one day at a time, surgical trauma can take a while to repair itself. Your needed here and there. gobble
JDSeller, I sure would hate to see ya disappear for a while, but a mans gotta do what hes gotta do!

My opinion is that being tired and in pain just makes us less tolerant of stupidity than normal....and if you didnt cause the stupidity.....is it really your fault?

Hoping for a quick recovery for you, Mike.
JD Seller,

You should NOT go away.

Sorry that you are in so much pain. I have heard that back surgery is no fun at all. REMEMBER that a major surgery takes a LONG time to fully recover from. In my 30's had surgery requiring about a 6-7" incision in my abdomen (which is nothing compared to back surgery), and I swear it took a year to fully get over it.

And regarding your doctor... if you don't like him/her, make them assign you a different one. Mayo does not like to have you switch docs - but they will if you insist (been there, done that). A person would not take their car to a mechanic they did not feel comfortable with - so find yourself a different doc to do your bodywork.

Also, have you considered that you may be depressed due to the high level of pain and lack of rest? I know a guy who became deeply depressed when he only broke his foot and was laid up for about 4 months. Could not handle the forced inactivity (and you have intense pain on top of it all). Anyway, he needed to take antidepressants for a year. Seemed to help.
JD Seller,
Sorry to hear about your health situation. I wish you the best of luck. I really enjoy your postings. I believe you are truly a man of great integrity and I respect your opinions very much. There definitely needs to be more people like you in this world. Take care. I look forward to your postings again very soon.
Kow Farmer
No need to leave JD. Go easy on the dog. He may wet your leg. If you get to cranky with him.

I know how you feel. I have bone cancer and some days. I can be a real pain to be around. Some days I tell people what I really think.

Take a break. But don't leave.
Hope ya stick around , always appreciate good info ! Back pain is a Bi2tch. Been dealing with it for years now . I did get an Inversion table last year. thing does wonders !! And physical therapy has life bearable again . Best wishes ,
For the what it's worth. In 2004 Dr's wanted to fuse my L4 &L5. Because some people have issues after surgery, I decided to live with the pain.

I haven't slept in a bed for decades. Instead I sleep on the floor. Try sleeping on your back with your legs on the sofa. It straightens out my spine and takes away the pain, sometimes. Other times, I sleep in the recliner or on the sofa. Beds don't get it for me.

Guess you can say, I sleep around a lot. LOL

JD,As a pastor of a church my best advise is when you feel irratable and in pain,pull your self up and go help someone else thats in worst shape than you.Go visit the hospitals and nursing homes.A lot of thoes people worked just as hard as you but now cant even get out of bed

Got two words for you: Inversion table.

Get yourself a "Teeter Hangups" table and hang by your ankles for a while every day. Betcha it'll do wonders for your back and your attitude.
Usually read all your replies, always felt like you had a lot of dealer experience. Know about the health problems , maybe you can get to feeling better. I had planned to look you up first time I come west..Don,t stay gone too long, Dave will get out of hand.
Think a lot of us that hang around a long time or odd hours have one thing or another that keeps us up. Kinda normal to get a little short now and then.

I took some time off a few years ago. After a bit, I read here for a while, my computer had erased the login info, so just didn't sign in, didn't reply to anything. Kinda helped me re-adjust.

Look forward to seeing you come back.

I have the ideal solution - just confine your comments and responses to dave2 only, while you take your break. He has a hide thicker and tougher than an old boar hog (and sometimes an attitude to match!) I enjoy both of you guys" posts and cranky attitudes - it brings back memories of my grandfather.
Dont go!!!We will miss you!You have contributed much to this commmunity thru all your experience,just wont be the same.Hope you get to feeling better soon.Becides,If you need to vent,well,thats what we are here for....Steve
Best wishes. I hope things get better for you real soon. I've always enjoyed your posts.

hope you get better
have enjoyed your postings on here
try a lotion called SOMBRA for your back
I get it off of ebay does wonders for my back and my feet, nueropathy(sp)can't feel anything in my feet but they sure hurt at times until I rub the SOMBRA on them
Hey buddy, enjoy your comments. You can usualy pin the tails on the donkeys, some folks don't much like to see the comparisons in themselves. Best of luck with your back trouble, keep reading , and post when it feels right. Bruce
Sent you an email, but in case you don't get it, google "corganics". Get a tube of "relief". Its not expensive. Its a topical pain reliever that is very effective.

I have used it for well over a year now when the sciatic nerve in my hip acted up and when my lower back hurt. It really works. It only takes a tiny dab, just rub it in well.

I've also used it on my wrists/hands (carpel tunnel?)and some joints in my fingers. It has always helped.

Be sure to wash your hands after you use it. It has menthol and you don't want to get it in your eyes.
Move to Florida. There are many Dr Feel Goods there. My brother and Mother were so messed up on drugs from the Dr.s' The Dr. there are licensed drug dealers. I think Rush L lived there and was messed up too. Be careful you don't fall in that rabbit hold.
I may be wrong, but I've got a feeling that your back problem is not the customary slipped disc or arthritic bone, and that massage and heat balm and manipulation won't help. Does this go back to your activities in the late 60s/early 70s?
All I know it's pretty easy to say whats on your
mind as ya stare into a computor monitor, it's
like talking out loud..

Regardless there's a lite at th end of the tunnel.....
Have always appreciated your posts on here, and wish you the best with your health situation.

Check back in anytime!
And I thought I was nuts because I rotate from the floor to the feet on the couch to the couch. haven't tried standing on my head in the corner yet or the chain fall picking me up by my ankles. Some days I could chew thru the chain so may not want that around anyhow. LOL
Between the back pain and the abdominal surgeries I am always hurting from one or the other. I also have diabetes with an insulin pump and now have a heart monitor on at all times for the next 30 days. Fun fun fun.
I am still here as this is my best outlet from the house. I may not get to work on my iron but atleast I can see what everyone else is working on. Don't leave my friend You need this outlet or you will take out your frustration some way you really don't want too.
JD , I, along with the others will really miss you and all of your great postings and advice.
You seem to have a "knack" for helping out others out when they are in need. I have never seen a "cranky" comment from you. Just good midwest common sense!
Do not be gone for long, as you will be missed. clint
JD. Common sence is what your blessed with. You need to speak your mind, as you do. Remember "YOU CANT CURE STUPID"no mater how hard you try.As for pain, I know the feeling. Using Pain Killers now for a few years brings out the urge to speak my mind, and I do. Not sorry for any comment I have ever made here. You surely display a helluva lot of common sence in your writings, Don't stay away, just rest.Hope you can find some one who can moderate your pain. Warmest Regards. LOU.
Hope you find relief on your pain issues. Come back when you feel like it as I enjoy your stories too.

I've gotten the old knife in the back on some deals too and that pain gets to a guy too.

I've had health troubles in the past and had neighbors come to help and neighbors go behind my back to the landlords...and sometimes it was even the same neighbors but on different days!
Please stick around. We all have problems. Have you tried ice, heating pads, light exercise? I have had back problems for 30 years, even working as electrician in plant. Had to baby back a lot. Beg off of jobs. Not fun. Presently chemo for prostate cancer and sugar diabetes and the same old back. Sleeping in from queen bed then stiff bed with heating pad. Sometimes chair. If you believe, ask Jesus to take away your pain. He will hear you and ease it when he is ready. One time it got bad and I could not work for 2 months. Chiropracters are my friends. After 6 or 8 trips you can sometimes figure out how to do the same thing at home. One for me was hang on a ladder rung with both hands as long as possible. Sorta like inversion only lots easier. Docs should give you some exercises. Go slow but do it. Good luck and God Bless. I am 69. What is your age and did you have injury? Maybe I missed it. Dave
Jdseller all the comments here is a testimonial of how popular you are on this board. Only you know best so get to feeling better soon.
JD, don't take it out on the poor dawg! I've seen a lot of people I'd rather cuss than my dog. Seriously, you mean a lot to these forums and we don't want you to be gone long, if at all. My youngest daughter will turn 40 next week, and she was diagnosed with degenerative disc and bone disease four years ago. The inversion table helps, she has an electrical impulse apparatus that she wears at times and two weeks ago they gave her a cortisone shot in her spine. The shot seems to be helping, but we just don't know how long it will work, and they can only give those shots every six months. I have seen her get up in the mornings and cry like a baby with pain. A lot of us have an idea what you are going through, so take care and don't be a stranger.
JD, Will miss you on this site, but you do things that doesn't hurt your back. Or do things, that take your mind off the back pain.
You have been through a lot of bad times in life.
So you take care brother.
Sorry to here about your pain. I will very much miss your comments and postings till you are back. You seem to have such a wealth of knowledge and experience. I hope that you are feeling better soon. Take care- SHON

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