
Mark W.

Ham and bean soup with fresh Italian bread and BLT sandwiches here. Having my 78 yr. old parents up for dinner.

I haven't had beans in years.......... Wife don't like them and I hate to make them for my self. Got me cravin a big pot of pinto beans & ham hocks with cornbread now............... And, of course, a mug of nice cold beer...........
the butt end of a smoked ham with dry rub on the grill, wife's WFBB (worlds famous baked beans), potato salad, iced tea and blue bell natural vanilla ice cream. all this and i have not labored all day.
Spent the day trimming bushes, mowing grass, and all that kind of stuff. Taking it easy with Tuna salad sandwiches topped with big ole slices of fresh from the garden tomatoes. That is one of my favorite sandwiches of all time. Watching the Orioles beat the Blue Jays to move closer to the D**N Yankees!
Burgers on the grill, fried taters,with onions & peppers, muskmelon & watermelon for dessert. Every thing but burgers from the garden. Gotta go put them burgers on now.
Marinated chicken then rub on smoker. Taters with okra and corn. Testerday was ribs and oh my goodness wish I could feed them to everybody
On the grill - Caribbean jerk chicken, summer squash from the garden,
taters and onions.
Not on the grill - Cottage cheese, cucumber slices from the garden, tomato slices from the garden.
I couldn't finish it all, but I'm looking forward to left overs!
7 chicken thighs, red potatos, rutabaga and carrots in the cast iron dutch oven. Simmering in a mix of olive oil, pepper, garlic powder, soy and hoisin sauces and 1/3 bottle of beer.
Big batch that will last for a couple of days.
Will be ready about 8PM. Typical dinner time around here.
If all the dishes you guys have mentioned are "homemade" you all are sooooo lucky. Most women today are too busy (so they think) to make anything homemade. It's just easier to go the KFC, McDonalds, Taco Bell or to the grocery store and by ready made salads etc. I would be embarrassed to take a tub of KFC chicken, Subway sandwiches or even store bought potato salad or anything that wasn't homemade to a pot luck. But I see it happen all the time. They don't even take it out of the store container so it might look homemade. So many young women are loosing the ability to cook. How sad..
Grilled salmon, corn on the cob and green beans from the garden. Wife has a riding buddy who manages a salmon farm- and she keeps giving us salmon. Tough position to be in- we take it, just to be nice. . . LOL

Easiest way to do salmon is on a George Foreman grill! Rub the spices on, with a little olive oil, and it comes out with nice grill marks, and moist.
Theres a potato salad that comes in a 5 gallon pail.The label says homemade.The store puts it in plastic tubs with a home made label on it.3.99 a pound.

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