Anniversaries, anniversaries...August has a lot of 'em


Well-known Member
Yesterday would've been my late first wife's 56th well as the day 101 years ago that my great-great grandfather died. Today would've been my grandfather's 114th birthday [yup, his 13th birthday was the day after his grandfather died]. And tomorrow my wife and I will celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary, the same day my brother's wife has a birthday.

My daughter's 2nd wedding anniversary was last Tuesday, and their son's birthday will be on the 27th...the day before my sister's wedding anniversary. And the 29th would've been my OTHER grandfather's 104th birthday.
The wifes birthday was last Saturday,our anniversary is the 18th. Grand daughters B-day is the 24th.
On the 20th of this month the wife and I will be married 35 years. Also our birthdays are on the same day with me being 1 year older.
Hmmm! The wife must get a special Christmas present with all the August birthdays. Marilyn's is the 6th, my son is the 16th Marilyn's sis is the 25th, my only boy cousin is the 24th. Hmmm! Oh, our anniversary is the 25th too. Jim

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