Hey NC Wayne, more on water shortage

John T

Well-known Member
Wayne, I sure enjoyed your recent water topic and your optimism. Hey, if such a system got funded and built???? and if I needed water from it and could afford and justify it, Id sure be a customer...

I came across a water shortage related internet video today, watched part of it, and thought you might enjoy it as it relates to your thoughts, unfortunately it started to look like an add to sell a book so I sort of lost interest and didnt finish it grrrrrrrrrr. HOWEVER the beginning of it was very interesting and informative (especially if its true but I dont know??) and reminded me of your concerns..

NOW before anyone has a calf THESE ARE NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT MY WORDS,,,,,,,,,Im NOT saying its true Im NOT saying its false,,,,,,,,There may be opinions or websites saying its all false,,,,,,,,,There may be opinions or websites claiming its all true.......I ONLYYYYYYYYY FOUND IT INTERESTING (be it true or false I dont know) and it relates to NC Waynes post so I thought it fun to post it as food for thought, feel free to like or dislike it, view or not view, but again, Im NOT for or against it, Im NOT the author, Im NOT endorsing or not endorsing anything........So there lol

Best wishes yall n God Bless

Ol John T
Water Crisis Warning, looks like an add grrrr
Yeah, this guy likes to hear himself talk doesn't he? You can tell he's a drinkin' bubby of Alex Jones and Glenn Beck- China wants our empty reserviors! They just had some 300 people die in a flood, the 3 gorges dam is nearly done, and more to come... and I never met a Chinaman who drinks plain water. Never happened in history. Boiled. Everything is cooked to death for sanitation reasons, including water.
Filter your radioactive tap water? oh that's a good one. And the lack of it is a bigger issue than the quality I would think. If one has no water, how does one make nothing safe to drink?
I will admit he said something that hit the nail on the head 'water crisis is too big for the government to handle, so it ignores the crisis'. Yep.
And he mentioned Boston's water main breaks, yes, some are hollow tree trunks from the 1840's. If you look at a map of Mass, you see a blue line cutting the state in half. Quabin reservior, 5 towns abandoned and flooded, took over 10 years, from the 20's into the late 30's, all for Boston District city mains, no ag or local users. And they holler that ain't enough! 'Cause no one wants to pay to replace the 170 year old hollow logs... water is as much a money issue as a weather one... too bad....
A good message and link, to add to the thread, John, enjoyed it. :) Well, he sure is a talker, it's still playing in the background, wow does he talk on and on...

Now, it appears he is selling a video - or 2 or 3 I'm losing count - to help you survive a meltdown that creates a water crisis.

Now, will one be able to view a DVD if something that dire happens? Or will the DVD's just make nice coasters for your glass bottles of water sitting out in the sun????

Is selling people DVD's really helping them prepare for a large scale disaster?

Too funny.

Wow is he a windy fella. $27 for 4 DVD's it looks like is his pitch, something like 72 hours worth of how to have all the clean water you want in case the Chinafolk try to take our water away. :)

Yeah at first the screen (when I first saw it) did NOT have the bottom info indicating something was for sale, but once I realized it was I turned off somewhat, but still some good food for thought in his pitch, again maybe its true maybe its not, Im NOT saying...

Still a fun and thought provoking discussion about water the last few days here started by Wayne

John T
Hey, thanks for the link. Like you I watched part of it, and I've got to admit that while the guy's style was a bit boring, the first few minutes did make alot of sense. But when he kept on and on,seemingly going nowhere fast and it got to looking like it was alot of talk all leading up to," Buy something from me", I clicked off.

All in all though things like this really make you think about just how fragiile conditions for life on Earth really are when you get right down to it. Personally I'd never have given a thought to things like prescription drugs being flushed and making their way into the water, etc, etc. Even though I don't think it's as big od a deal as this guy was trying to make it out to be, in another 30 years, who knows.

Anyway, thanks again for the link.

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