O/T reason I stopped watching ice road truckers

So instead you can watch my buddy Jimmie on the demolition show this fall. Some how I just don't see him coming up with the drama or trashing his co-workers like they do on Ice Road or Gold Rush. They probably won't interview him very much.
Either they are truly idiots, Hugh & Rick or the producer/director has them running like that. If its not for TV, and I would lean towards that it is, no real driver would run off road terrain like that, Hugh bouncing off the headliner in the cab, and the hammering on the suspension. Last year the one owner was really angry with Hugh, because of the thousands of dollars of damage, any real driver knows the difference, I have a class A since before it was CDL, was Class 1 in NY.

Has to be for the show, new drivers, one from Montana, the other from South Carolina, and I'm not biased, but would Carlisle really be interested in people with no snow or ice experience, that roller coaster section of the haul road sure is not the place to learn, I've driven off road on pipe jobs, over log mats, also in snow storms, icy conditions, no way I'd want to fool with that haul road, has to be all for drama and the audience, ratings and so on.

The guy they fired last year, absolute jerk, he had the load count right up til the end, but the personality of sheer ignorance, if that was real, who would deal with it, I'd have fired him when the instructor was riding with him, on attitude alone.
Black Gold is one I can't stand. I live in oil country and no rig crew would act the way they do. And keep a job.
Same with the loggers and crab fishermen... everything's about accidents or near misses. I don't watch any of them. There was a program on the History channel about "Mountain Men" living off the land in 3 parts of the country and I enjoyed that, it had some realism.
Why did you ever start? My brother in law in Ky is in to that show. Being up here in the frozen north,I tell him it's a load of crap. Guess you've gotta live somewhere warm to eat that stuff up.

Now I see there's one coming on dramatizing Great Lakes Shipping. That's gonna draw flies too.
All of those shows are scripted which is a load of crap. Just show the real life stuff or dont show it at all.!
It appears that all new shows TV are crap.
The Voice---Crap.
Ice road truckers---Crap
All the reality shows are Crap.
Sons of Guns---Crap
The guys that build the special aquariums, Crap and stupid.
I cant watch any of it anymore. I am better off being on the puter or working outside. (or inside)
The old TV shows from the 60s and 70s are the only good ones.
After watching a few of those shows at my daughters, (I only have antenna TV), I decided that I had seen enough of that stuff in the cow stables. You pretty well know that something is staged when the narrator tries to keep you on the edge of your seat with that sense of urgency in his voice.
I just don't understand it.
People sit on the couch like inert bumps on a log and watch whatever stupid crap comes over the satellite and then complain about the programing.
Kill your television!
You and your family will be happier, smarter and more blessed without it.

So I guess I am in the minority here and have to admit I kinda like Suns of Guns, IRT, and Gold Rush. I like them because they are kinda stupid and they allow me to be entertained without thinking. A long day at work sometimes causes you to want to sit and watch something stupid before bed. We do not let our 9 month old watch any TV however and we hope to keep it like that as long as we can. If she's up, were doing something that doesn't involve computers, tv, phones, etc. That leaves maybe an hour before bed to watch something if I stay awake that long.
All the Weather channel, History channel &
most stuff on Discovery channels is Reality TV
& it's freak'en STUPID!!!!
(quoted from post at 11:59:34 06/04/12) Either they are truly idiots, Hugh & Rick or the producer/director has them running like that. If its not for TV, and I would lean towards that it is, no real driver would run off road terrain like that, Hugh bouncing off the headliner in the cab, and the hammering on the suspension. Last year the one owner was really angry with Hugh, because of the thousands of dollars of damage, any real driver knows the difference, I have a class A since before it was CDL, was Class 1 in NY.

Has to be for the show, new drivers, one from Montana, the other from South Carolina, and I'm not biased, but would Carlisle really be interested in people with no snow or ice experience, that roller coaster section of the haul road sure is not the place to learn, I've driven off road on pipe jobs, over log mats, also in snow storms, icy conditions, no way I'd want to fool with that haul road, has to be all for drama and the audience, ratings and so on.

The guy they fired last year, absolute jerk, he had the load count right up til the end, but the personality of sheer ignorance, if that was real, who would deal with it, I'd have fired him when the instructor was riding with him, on attitude alone.
I`ve never even watched ice road truckers, seems too stupid. I gotta say though, Carlisle does not hire on folks with no winter experience and send them north, if they say they do they are lying. And the roller coaster? It is not one of the bad hills on the haul road at all, because it is a drop into a ravine, you can get a run on the hills from both sides. Nah, from someone who has lived on and around the haul road, it is not that bad, they exaggerate it big time. Anyone with a brain can drive that road, just go slower than a better road. Oh, and carlisle lost a big contract with BP for trying to make drama with a million dollar crane, tried to pull a hill without chains and about lost the crane :D
I"ve gotten to know Alex, because he was hanging around our community the last two summers. A very nice man. I took him to one of my buddy"s pond and we went fishing with the kids. We all had a blast. Hugh and Rick are driving their OWN trucks this year. Who are paying for their repairs? I just hired a part time older guy to run some loads for me. Nothing but bad additude and only on his second day. Then he told my dispatcher he didn"t like that he had the oldest truck. When he gets back tomorrow, He can go find a new job where they will give him the shiniest truck. Help wanted!
(quoted from post at 11:59:34 06/04/12) Either they are truly idiots, Hugh & Rick or the producer/director has them running like that. If its not for TV, and I would lean towards that it is, no real driver would run off road terrain like that, Hugh bouncing off the headliner in the cab, and the hammering on the suspension. Last year the one owner was really angry with Hugh, because of the thousands of dollars of damage, any real driver knows the difference, I have a class A since before it was CDL, was Class 1 in NY.

Has to be for the show, new drivers, one from Montana, the other from South Carolina, and I'm not biased, but would Carlisle really be interested in people with no snow or ice experience, that roller coaster section of the haul road sure is not the place to learn, I've driven off road on pipe jobs, over log mats, also in snow storms, icy conditions, no way I'd want to fool with that haul road, has to be all for drama and the audience, ratings and so on.

The guy they fired last year, absolute jerk, he had the load count right up til the end, but the personality of sheer ignorance, if that was real, who would deal with it, I'd have fired him when the instructor was riding with him, on attitude alone.

Last season, when the owner sh*tcanned Hugh and Rick for wrecking everything, it really happened. The company is based 20 min from my house. My neighbour hauls the winter roads for a living, and he said no one could beleive how big of tools Hugh and Rick were. Hugh can't even shift, he just grinds the heck out of it. Apparently they were the laughing stock for the season. Maybe the show pays them extra to be idiots.
So the camera and all the other hoopla makes it look worse than it is, I mean from the audience's view, that hill, the pass, (addigan sp?) where you decide to, have to or risk not chaining up, seems really dumb to chance like they have, similar to what you said.

The one thing I would agree with is you are a rookie when you start a job there, well every truck is unique and the road is different, but usually within a day or so, you get used to most of it. The one thing I would worry about is losing traction, not using the right gear, to low, too much torque, slips out, or too high, you're lugging, but I would assume they have 18 speed or similar where you can split the upper side.

It sure looks like a challenge, though there is a lot of exaggeration. I can see the people they have recently hired and have been on the show, the first female years back Lisa, then a young gal from NY, couple a southern guys, looks like they are trying to stir the pot for the audience, but given the oversize loads, road conditions, and those heavy haulers using pushers, one cannot imagine hiring inexperienced people, you would think a driver would not even be eligible unless they met a stringent threshold of experience.

BP, with a customer that important, why would anyone be so foolish to risk not chaining, that has to suck, how the heck do you chain up on a steep slippery hill with traffic in either direction..... made for tv, you have to watch with a grain of salt, never was a big fan of excess tv time, here and there, but try not to miss the baseball.

I can relate to them, driving on the Ice, etc..done plenty more than I care to remember now..but certainly they could not drive on anything more slippery than I have...and just as perilous..
It is the Crappy attitudes that I got sick of...
I have run plenty...BOTH Single AND Team.. Coast-to-Coast for Fasson..(Special Products Div. of Avery international)..we NEVER shut down...unless they shut the road down in front of us...
Probably low compared to most but 2 million with no accidents is not too shabby...
361/2 Hr from Cincy to San Burnadino and 35 1/2 back 80K both ways.
Before all the by-passes went in around Gallup, Kingman, Shamrock and a bunch of other places..
Rancho Cucamonga Calif..!!!
Nice place..!
(quoted from post at 19:32:28 06/04/12) I"ve gotten to know Alex, because he was hanging around our community the last two summers. A very nice man. I took him to one of my buddy"s pond and we went fishing with the kids. We all had a blast.

When I watched the show intermittently (I gave up long ago), Alex and Lisa were the only people I enjoyed watching because they seemed normal and nice (or at least personable). Good to know.
Shows like that and Axe Men were always mediocre at best. The networks always seem to know when to schedule these shows when there is little else on. I normally have low expectations if I do watch.
Well, Atigun is steep, but it is not very challenging just because only a fool would try that pass without chains in the winter. There might not be any more slippery conditions on the haul road than elsewhere, but the grades are much steeper, and you just figure out which hills need chains and which don`t. My Dads biggest peeve with all these new guys complaining about how bad the road is, are running it in air-ride trucks with 600HP, Jakes, a retarder, 18 gears and twin lockers. The pipeline was built with GMC astro cabovers with 318HP detroits and no jakes, when my dad ran it it was with a 400 cummins and a 10 speed, his old pete you could get out on the runningboard and take a leak climbing atigun! I love my Western Star!
It is summer I watch baseball and play on here and read a book later in the evening. Told my wife we pay too much for satellite she has a few channels she visits and me, MLB and Espn. TiVo the races on the weekend and watch them
when we come in for the day. Wish I could buy channels a la cart
I tell my wife the same thing. After a long day of having to be at 110% in the thinking department I actually enjoy watching something that is simply entertaining, without having to think about anything. It actually helps me shut down my mind and relax so I can go to sleep. Call it a drug if you want, but personally I'd much rather watch my drug, be entertained, and be able to shut if off anytime vs becoming addicted to sleeping aids, etc that aren't so easy to get away from..........
If enough people would bug mythbusters about confirming or busting my dynamite story it would be worth watching several times. I'm talking about the dynamite in the cistern that had been converted to a septic tank. It has over half a million hits on utube and gains over a thousand each day.
Never was any farther north than Circle Hot Springs. But did work for Greer Tank & welding doing some part time welding back in the mid 70s. Sure do miss Fairbanks. Bet it's changed alot since we were there. We were there on opening night of the Silver Spur night club, don't know if it's still there or not. Did drive on the icey roads, everybody did if you wanted to go anywhere LOL. Keith
Those shows are all bs, if we don't catch enought crab, haul enought logs, cut so much wood were Gonna go broke today, I mean really, who runs a business like that. Deadliest catch, ax men, swamp loggers, American loggers, gold rush, it's all pure bs to suit American sensibility, makes good comedy. I find jacka$$ to be more of a true reality show! Lol hahahahaha.
All things in moderation.I watch it a few hours a week and really enjoy some of it.Never been a big part of my day though and doubt it ever will be.
I watched a couple of seaons of IRT and AX Men because my none to bright SIL (who is a good man just not the even mid level crayon in the box) loves these shows. At 1st it was kinda interesting because I learned some things I didn't know. After that it was all about the drama. "OH! I'm stuck and it's -40.....I could freeze....but not to worry the cam crew is right here and they are not stuck!"......."but we are gonna make it look good fer the cam". Kinda wonder how Rick even gets a job being the cry baby he portrays on the show. Or Hugh with the equipment he tears up....makes me think the show is paying them to act that way and companies to hire them.......not even going to get into the casting couch thing with Lisa......I just know that every time the ratings for those shows goes up by just 1 the producers and managers are shaking thier heads and saying "stupid FXXXX!!!!!".

Another Rick....ROFL!
Just watched Lisa yesterday but it might have been a re-run. I get tired of all the drama, but I suppose it wouldn't make a good show if it was portrayed as plain old trucking. I do get cold just watching them. I hauled a combine down from Canada in weather like that once. NEVER again! Jim
Never knew that, we had an '80 GMC Astro, 8V-92, 13 spd road ranger, that was in '82 or '83. I've run some of those old monsters, '68 autocar 230 or whatever cummins that one was, would still move a D8K, they had a '72 autocar, 335, both were 13 spd ran that one mostly with heavy rogers lowboys, those were trucks. One place we had a '61 B-61 mack 5x4, 54 rears, manual steering, I ran it on the road on occasion, but mostly on site, just a beast. Also run those old ford 850's with the 5x4, definitely see your point on that, set one of those drivers in any of these old kinds a trucks, no jake is right, most I ran did not have em either.
Best comedy on TV is Whale Wars. Never saw so many idiots on one boat in my life.

Biggest idiot. Was the guy who ran his boat into the whaling ship. Got the bow torn off. Then back aboard the main ship. He almost set it on fire with a cutting torch.

Plus who can forget the fake gun shot. That the so called leader suffered.
i agree, the dalton is no place for "goobers" i never understood why the producers of the show insist on including a couple of them each season, the ones who are young and so full of themselves that they have to hang a bucket out the back of themselves just to catch the excess, just because they ran the lower 48 sucessfully, the dalton is a whole different game, with your life as the stakes, kind of like axmen, the s&s team... i cant imagine either of those 2 working at a walmart and being cabable of doing the job, dont know why there even on there, shelby stanga is at least entertaining lol just wouldnt want to be within 1/2 mile of him if he was trying to work
None of these industries have much to show beyond a segment on Dirty Jobs, or at most a one-hour documentary, without the drama.

The fact that you find the shows so objectionable means that you are among a small minority of people with an actual brain. Count yourself lucky.

But, Discovery/History has time slots to fill, and people keep watching, so they're going to keep making episodes.
(quoted from post at 18:59:20 06/04/12) Never was any farther north than Circle Hot Springs. But did work for Greer Tank & welding doing some part time welding back in the mid 70s. Sure do miss Fairbanks. Bet it's changed alot since we were there. We were there on opening night of the Silver Spur night club, don't know if it's still there or not. Did drive on the icey roads, everybody did if you wanted to go anywhere LOL. Keith
Keith, you might barely recognize Fairbanks anymore. The silver spur burnt down a few years ago, there is a pawn shop there now. Greer tank is right on the edge of town now, and town is still growing fast. From where Ernies place was at 3 mile, you can see the lights of walmart on a dark night.
Initially I started watching those shows and enjoyed them. Then you guys on here started whining about scripting and all and then I started to paying attention to the "added stuff" that seems odd to be real. So now I don't watch any of them any more and I got sick of looking at Mike Rowe back when he was advertising for Primestar when satellite TV first became available around here.....and he's still in my face....well was.

I've heard it's the new thing getting crammed down our throats: Reality TV. Well they can shove it.


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