My new tractor Piks

Bruce from Can.

Well-known Member
Ok , it isn't a old farm tractor but it is a 12 year old lawn tractor by MTD. This tractor was given to me because they couldn't start it for the last 4 years and just wanted it out of their garage .. So I swung by to pick it up an found it was jamed in gear, made it a mean thing to move and load but I gotter done. Put some oil on the linkage, fresh battery fresh gas, litle down the carb. Fooled with the linkage some and it came free, turned the key nd drove her off the truck. My lucky day I guess.While I was loafing in the shade fooling with this lawn mower, the Mrs. was putting in some garden.Just a beauty way to spend the day. Bruce





So which did you enjoy more? Playing with the tractor or watching the Mrs? Thanks for posting the pics. Its always nice to see what everyone else is doing or have done.
really nice pics, beautiful place. Looks like my back yard when it rained for 2 straight week and couldnt get it mowed:(
Likes the planter just fine,mostly small seeds like beets carrots and lettus,is where it really shines. But she will plant peas and beans with it too. We have given up on sweet corn , I just can't reload the shot gun quik enough to keep up with the coons. Bruce

I like my Earthway also gave $5 for it at a yard sale...

I brought my first rider from a friend while me and the miss were visiting them..
I loaded it up in the truck and when we were leaving my wife noticed it.. She said whats that,,, I said a Snapper rear engine rider I brought from Jay,,, she sad,,, what do we need a rider for I mow the grass and don't mind using a pusher,,, I said I did not buy it for you I brought in for me just in case I have to mow the grass :lol: She caught on pertly quick and never pushed a pusher again,, it was worth a instant 50lb gain for her should have let the rider were I found it :wink:
I've had an Earthway planter for 30 years. It works very well, but sometimes I have to go over a row twice to get enough seed down. Still a whole bunch easier than by hand and seed is planted evenly. One of these days I'm gonna have to replace the drive belt, which will be the first repair.
Aren"t some people lucky, especially knowing somebody without mechanical aptitude who would rather give it/ throw away because it would not start, and possibly pay a couple of grand for a new one.
I retrieved a lawnmower in similar circumstances, somebody threw it on the tip because it would not start.
Took it home. took the dirt off the points, and away it started, 20 years later it is still going/mowing.
may they never change.
Hay Bruce,
What's with the dandilions this year? Wee have been smuthered by them also. Glad to see you had a little time to sit back and enjoy the scenery!!' LOL My wifey has also been busy in our gardens, planting, weeding, harvesting asparugas, etc.The spuds are bolting,peas are looking for some chicken wire that I haven't put up yet, and the strawberries are just past blossems and forming berries.


Gosh, in that third picture where you're mowing, that's the clearest picture I have ever seen of Bigfoot ever back in there like that. Just standing there in the bush staring at you. He seems more curious about you mowing than anything. Don't seem to care much about the noise from your tractor. I heard they didn't like noise. Hmm. Man, he's one big fella, aint he?. Thanks for the pictures. They're usually pretty blury, but you got a pretty clear one of that guy just standing right there bigger than ever. I don't believe I'd care so much for him to be living so close to my home like that though. I heard they howl at night. You ever hear him howling at night? Grin.


Just be careful, getting into tight places and expecting to "Stop".. it just may NOT...
I had an exciting ride on mine, last year..the thing would not stop and ran right up some pallets..stopped when it was standing straight UP...!!
Nothing to me but Spare Parts, now..!


In 1994 we built a new house and I needed a riding mower for the bigger yard. Having just built a house I had little money and bought a used 12 horse MTD for $300.00 to get buy for a year. 6 years and another house later I bought a new JD mower and gave the MTD to a neighbor.

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