Racoons are winning


Southern Ontario
Despite my efforts at blocking all cracks and holes, they have still managed to take up residence inside my house roof and have started a family. This year they ripped off the metal screening around the roof extraction fan and crawled in among the blades and down into the attic. Should I just wait till the babies start roaming outside and then cover the extraction fan until I can repair it? I don"t want permanent residents.
Has anyone tried an electric fence type of protection just under the eaves? Is there such a thing as say a preformed 4-wire strand of electric fence (wires 6 inch apart) that could be strung in one fell swoop?
Any other ideas/

Is that the only place they are getting in? If you fix it, will they be able to find another way? If not, can you fix the place and eliminate the traction they'll need to get in again... They aren't real common in this area YET, but some local parks have them contained in a chainlink fence with an electric wire sticking about 4 inches away from the top and about 4 inches off the ground and 8 inches back along the bottom to keep them from climbing over or digging under. Trees that are close enough to climb and jump over have a piece of flasking wrapped around them about 2ft wide at the highest they want them to be able to climb.....
I tried electic fence around the wire corn crib with no luck. I have the best luck with a live trap on Coons. They are not alive though when they come out of it though. I have also got a few with a conibear 220 over a bucket. I have not done it but I have head say fly bait and coke will take care of one real quick. No way would I put up with them coming in my house though. Good luck.
We trap and a "220 Bucket Set" baited with marshmallow cream and peanut butter is all you need. Look up a "220 Bucket Set" on 'utube'.

Also, Marshmallow and peanut butter won't attract dogs or cats.
How are they getting up there? Jumping off a tree or climbing the corners of the house. If they're climbing, a sheet of tin tacked to the house will stop them. Did that on the school house building at the Albert Cith Threshing Show and that stopped them. A 36"X36" piece of galvanized tin wrapped around each corner of the building a few feet off the ground is all it took to keep them off. Jim
Search duke dog proof coon traps. These traps will hold the coon by the hand. When you check them in the morning, the coon will try to shake your hand, with his unfettered paw! Do not try to shake his hand, shoot him, or take a swing at him, with a 9 iron! However you kill him is just fine. You can make a Davey Crockett hat out of him, important part is to kill him and his progeny, as they would do the same to you, if given the choice!
(quoted from post at 16:50:59 05/04/12) Live coon trap with Marshmellows and Sugar cookies for bait will catch them.All you need then is the .22 Mag Pistol

Just don't shoot the neighbor kids if they get stuck in there :roll:
Had the problem a few years ago. Tried everything with no luck.
They did leave when summer came (about now).

Late in the summer I filled their entry points with moth balls. It has worked thus far which is 6-7 years. (Touch wood).
the mother coon will keep returning to the attic, now that she found a safe spot to raise the little ones. you will need to live trap her on the roof, and then remove any young ones in the attic. if they are inside a wall in the attic it will get ugly to get them out. you may need to build a wire "tunnel" from the entry point in to the roof to force the coon into the live trap. if you try to relocate the coon, it will return, unless maybe, you dropped her off at krusers house!!!!
Mix Golden link_disallowed fly bait and mountain dew in a dish and the coon will not get 10 feet away.
The shocking fence wire will work. I like to feed wild raccoons at my place and I also keep a garden. I just put up a chain link fence with the bottom in the ground and put a hot wire around the top and it keeps them out. Raccoons are smart and they only get shocked once and they stay away from the fence. Putting the wire on your house you would just have to mount some electrodes on a board but you would have to provide a ground wire also but it could just be stapled directly to the board.

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