i was grinding feed today got done drove tractor around the shed and saw the driveway swamming with bees i turned around tried to go around the shed the other way same thing so i split and headed for cover called dad told him not to come home beens he is very allergic to bee stings. Well he showed up anyway but stayed in the trk after they deciced to move into a tree in the frt yard we decicded they were honey bees dad called a local bee keeper and he came and got them kindda scary since we have litle kids playin outside all the time thank god none of them were there.
if they were honey bees, i have never been stung by any yet an we have had up 13 hives here at the farm at one time. they are very interresting to watch, i have been as close as 5ft from the hives an there will be a couple of them fly around ya when you drive up in the gator an after that they just leave ya alone. when they swarm it means a hive has split or its gotten to big for its hive. they are just following their queen, or a queen.

we have 6 beekeepers in our little town... One old guy takes care of his in spandex shorts and a tanktop with either no shoes or flipflops. He talks and sings to them while he works. Says they only sting you when they are scared and/or trapped (his reason for the skimpy clothes)...I could always find that 1 bee in an acre yard and step on it :roll:
here is what the bee's did to my tree..


Bees don't eat wood. They found a hollow spot and moved in, shame the tree wasn't in better shape, if it hadn't broke you probably wouldn't have known they were there
usually a swarm like that won't sting unless you bother them. they eat all the honey they can before they swarm. they are looking for a new home. used to work with bees, never got stung when capturing a swarm.

We have quite a few honey bee hives here, but the ones that are the problem are ground nesting bumble bees. I don't know the proper name for them but they are larger than a regular bumble bee or carpenter bee and nest in the ground or in things like old truck seats. They attack in swarms and will sting multiple times. They hurt about twice as bad as a wasp, and wasp and hornet spray will not kill them. Normally you see them flying around the hole to their nest and can avoid them until you can destroy the nest, but if you are near a nest with a bush hog or other equipment the vibration will bring them out and the results are not good. My mother got stung 7 times on the head when I was a child by them. Looked like pump knots.
wfw is right, when they're swarming, they're pretty docile. Only concern on their little bee minds is protecting the new queen while they seek new diggs. Have waded into swarms several times with no protective gear.
buzzz: your are right, that is the end result after the bees took over the hollow part, after a wood-pecker made hole, then squires chased w/p out, then bees chased squires away.the weight of every thing, etc caused it...
They are not hostile when swarming. Once a swarm settled on a forked branch of a large shrub outside my house. I lopped the branch in three places and laid it in a wooden box I happened to have. Gave them to a neighbor who kept the hive for years.
Found a swarm today about 7pm. It was about 10 feed up on a tree limb. Used a stepladder to get up and cut the small limb of and put the bee in a new hive. Will check on them tomorrow.

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