Ot: fathers with daughters!


Well-known Member
How many guys here have daughters who take an interest in farming? My daughter is only 6 months old but i take her out side with me in her stroller to watch me do chores, feeding the chickens, haying the cows, feeding the horses, splitting wood ect, being her age she really likes to watch. I wanna look into 4h for her. I dont want her growing up clueless about the envoriment around her, hopefully she will want to help me some day, lol
If you push it, it may have the opposite effect.slow and steady, never try to impose your mind on them, they already have one.subtle guidance is the key.
My 3 1/2 year old is always wanting to be part of the going on activities. She checks the calving pen many times a day during calving season, and thanks to her watchful eye we saved a first calf heifer and it's calf this spring. I had gone to the neighbors to help them cut firewood, and she spotted the heifer calfing and told her mother. The calf was halfway out and stuck. Wife called me and my brother and we came home right away, and pulled the calf. No way she would have had it on her own. She goes to the feed store with me and to look at equipment. Loves to ride her battery powered 4-wheeler around the yard and bring me tools when I'm working on things to "help daddy".
My 18 month old loves "moos" too. Both of my girls love being outdoors, and as of now show every indication of being my helpers even more so in the future.
Mine is not quite 3 with another girl on the way. She is a definite Tom Boy. If she is not taking something apart, covered in dirt, or helping Dad or Grandpa she is not happy. A girl can be as involved as she wants and the early years ingrain the desire to work and learn. I think you are off to a great start with getting her interested in farming.
Taught my daughter to operate tractors, back a trailer,drive a Mack 16 yard dump. Any thing she wanted to do I taught her. Be patient and explian why she is doing it wrong not how she is doing it wrong. She is thirty and can back a gooseneck better than her husband!! She pulls her own horse trailer any where she wants to.
I am very proud of her!
My Daughter, who is now 32, loved 4-H, she showed calves, lambs and art, she used to go to 4-H camp every summer.
Mine was doing just great with helping me hay until she realized it's more work than she wants to put up with. Not very lady-like to be sweating and getting dirty, ya know?
Mine is 10 drove the 2N for the 1st time today. Through the woods with me in close proximity to the ignition just in case. It is the only tractor she can push the clutch in. She likes to operate anything I will let her try and loves the ZTR. She will also tell you straight up she "doesn't do work", but has chores to do anyway.

Mine, who is 36 now, had a good friend in 1984 whose older sister was showing lambs in 4H. She wanted to do it with her best friend, and she kept after us. That was the start of my farming. 2 lambs grew to 32. Five acres of hay grew to 95. 19 HP grew to 96. Her biceps grew and we had no worries about a guy taking advantage of her. She went on to pre vet school and then got accepted to vet at Purdue. By then she had decided that she didn't want to be a vet and went into research instead. She is now a PHD and works at Mass General and is on faculty at Harvard. And it all started with a lamb named Sox showing in 4H.
my oldest girl is 23 married and bought the place next to ours she checks on the cows as much as I do and knows as much or more about who had what when and who is due when ...my youngest is 18 and helps me feed and they both help with hay last summer we got the hay off a place a few miles from home the 18 yo she was fussing about helping me haul she was worried about someone seeing her hauling hay.....we went past a field and a girl was helping her dad haul when we got to where we were hauling from she told me it was one of her friends the friend had called her on cell and was glad she was not only one helping her dad work bty was my 18 is president of her FFA chapter
Prod of mine. She just passed her firearms and hunting courses. She is working a part time job in school and is purchasing a 15.1 hand white purebred Arabian Stallion. The horse now justifies a new shed building project that will provide more room to put more of my old equipment under cover.
being you asked,it gives me a chance to post pictures of my little girl again! 4H was a great experience for her,she was in it with goats,but they have many things to choose from, I know your little girl will grow up loving your farm,and she is small now,but she will grow up fast,before you know it she will be grown up.believe me! We only have the one girl,she is 19 now,seems like yesterday she was a baby






Well,mines 39. She has a good job in a dental office,married to the same guy all these years,two daughters 16 and 19. She was always helping me when she was younger and at home. We were talking last week when they were here for Easter. She said she has always wished she had a greenhouse operation and 10 acres or so of outdoor vegetable production. But I guess if she ever gets it it'll have to be something that she and her husband do since one of the boys wants the farm as is.
Is that the same girl in last 2 pics?? Wow her hair really changed! How's ur old 8n is it, doing?
I've got one daughter, four sons, several grand-daugthters, etc. My daughter was the bigggest pain-in-the-*ss of them all when she was a teenager -but she's also the kid I'm closest with now. Also her daughter, my grand-daughter.

My "little girl" is 30 years old now. Her daughter is the same age as my youngest son. Kind of neat.

My daughter grew up with many animals and tractors around.

Here she is with her brothers Deere . .

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=KatiedemarraisonJoshstractorthatdadsoupedup.jpg" target="_blank">
KatiedemarraisonJoshstractorthatdadsoupedup.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

Here she is with her brother and baby chicks in the house . .

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=Katie_Josh_chicks.jpg" target="_blank">
Katie_Josh_chicks.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

Her first fish . .

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=KatiedemarraiswithbluegillatCarylsLakeWorcester.jpg" target="_blank">
KatiedemarraiswithbluegillatCarylsLakeWorcester.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

With her brother and mother on my Deere 440 skidder . .

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=kaite_Josh_Sue_Deere_skidder.jpg" target="_blank">
kaite_Josh_Sue_Deere_skidder.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

Getting firewood with my 69 Dodge Power Wagon with Ford box (still have it). .

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=Katie_firewood.jpg" target="_blank">
Katie_firewood.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

With her kitten . .

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=Katiedemarraisandkitten.jpg" target="_blank">
Katiedemarraisandkitten.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

Getting more firewood with her sibliings - and I still have the truck and all the saws in the photo. .

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=joshsethkatiecarylslake.jpg" target="_blank">
joshsethkatiecarylslake.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

Her she is helping me relocated a possum from our corn field (she asked I detroy the photo). .

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=Katiewithpossum.jpg" target="_blank">
Katiewithpossum.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

15 years old . .

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=Katiefall1998.jpg" target="_blank">
Katiefall1998.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

High School grad photo - does not want anyone to know she's ever been around farm animals . .

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=KatiedemarraisHSgradphoto.jpg" target="_blank">
KatiedemarraisHSgradphoto.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

My daughter's daughter with my youngest son - my grand-daughter's "Uncle Louis."

<a href="http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m162/jdemaris/?action=view&amp;current=LouisCarmellaSineFeb2010.jpg" target="_blank">
LouisCarmellaSineFeb2010.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
My little 6yr old tomboy is going to run the field cult with me this afternoon. One out of three daughters shows some interest. 33% isn't bad!!
Glad that all you father Daughter s are good to you.
We adopted a 6 mo. old baby girl ia Alaska back in the early 60 s , Raised her to the age of 19 or 20 . Then she went out on her own .
It s been about 10 years ago She didn t get what She wanted for Christmas , up & left haven t heard from her since.
Just never know how they will turn out. To top it off She wasa Daddy s Girl
Nice pics, are there white faced Herefords in the background of her standing in front of the building with fire wood stack by it, 3rd pic up from the bottom I think it was
My baby girl will be two in June. One of her favorite words is "outside." She is the gate climb'nest thing I have ever seen. She will stand at the gate and "talk" to the cows for hours. (She hmmmmm's real loud at them, she snorts at the hogs and barks back at the dogs.) We just got in from check'n cows about an hour ago. She loves ride'n the four wheeler. Takes twice as long to check fences with her but I don't mind a bit. She was ride'n with me last week and we crossed the creek into another field and there was a flock of turkeys in the field about 150 yards in front of us. We watched them for about 30 minutes, every time the tom would start strut'n she thought that was the funniest thing she had ever seen. She helped me put out some peppers and tomatos yesterday. She loved get'n to pour water out of the bucket on the plants. Any time she makes it to the back yard she bee lines it to the pole barn. She will hug the front tire on my 6700 and say "my tracker". When I ask which one's mine she will go pat the 960 and say "daddy's". She is take'n a nap now, be'n out side with me for the last 4 hours since church makes her sleep good. Don't know how she will turn out 20 years from now but so far I couldn't be more proud of her.

(quoted from post at 19:10:02 04/14/12) How many guys here have daughters who take an interest in farming? My daughter is only 6 months old but i take her out side with me in her stroller to watch me do chores, feeding the chickens, haying the cows, feeding the horses, splitting wood ect, being her age she really likes to watch. I wanna look into 4h for her. I dont want her growing up clueless about the envoriment around her, hopefully she will want to help me some day, lol

I have 2 daughters, 7 and 2. The older one is a Daddy's girl, and loves to ride with me in the tractor, combine, truck...you get the idea. She used to ask me to buy her a pink tractor when she grows up. Now she's getting more into clothes etc. My little one doesn't come along yet.
Yep - Our dottir used to help me and go to tractor pulls, sales, etc. Cept then she turned 14 and kinda seems like she's slipping away!
Good kid tho


Relatively new father myself. Have a daughter that's just over a year old, and another on the way soon. Already have her running around on a little plastic John Deere, only green tractor I own :) . I am sure they will be driving my two old tractors around when they are older, Ma and Grandma runs 4H stuff so I am sure they will all be into that as well.
My 6th month old "pumpkin", as I call her, watched me shovel out the fire pit into my FEL bucket this past weekend. She giggled every time I threw a shovel full. I think she enjoys watching me get sweaty and dirty. Sometimes her mom will bring her into my shop while I'm working and usually doesn't take her eyes off what I'm doing.

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