people will steel anything I guess.....


Well-known Member
I guess thievery comes more from the heart than necessity (if you can put that word to it??)...

Was out with the horses yesterday evening. Have 3 pastures all close together in this one area but are seperated a little from view. Got a family of greenies that seem nice enough that bought a real nice place in the new part of town, dug up every blade of grass and started planting berries, fruit trees, grapes, garden spot, and a small greenhouse. Car is used only when shopping or bad weather and they bicycle/walk everywhere else. Not a bad idea when you have time and they always look good (healthy). Saw them earlier (3 of them) walking near thier place with each an empty bucket. Figured they were on thier way home from the recycle bins.... Went to the horses and about 30 minutes later was leaving the upper going down to the other two in time to see them all 3 in the pasture with the stallion and a mare that he is breeding and her foal.... All gathered around (because a bucket means goodies ) while the people were trying to fill the buckets with poo...... I ran the horses off and asked the folks if they saw any of the 3 no trespassing signs that they were withina few yards of and to get off the place (as nice as possible for me). Asked them if they wanted me to bring them a load of poo...
Guy started to say something (prolly yes) when the woman snapped "not if we have to pay for it"....

Nice way to teach a kid.... Told her as much and that if I ever saw any of them on the places again, they'd get a visit from the law.......

Guy came to the house later with a bottle of wine and apologized. Told him I'd bring him whatever he wanted and everyone is happy..... Except me... the wine in this area sucks.... :roll:
(quoted from post at 04:03:05 04/11/12) What the hell. The horse had to make the stuff. It should get something for the labor.

That's right....

I'm just glad to get rid of it tho.... Just can't have people on the pastures, especially with horses on them. Insurance thing....
The guy will probably turn out to be a good neighbor - instead of apologize too many people would now just bad mouth you to everyone they meet.

Not so sure about the wife though...
Yeah, she'd be the kind to lay in the pasture and holler for a lawyer, "His horse attacked me" etc. You'd be surprised just how low some people will stoop to get something for nothing.

I'll still tell the farmers and a couple busybodies about it..If somone would steal sh!t, thay'd steal anything and most folks' gardens are on the outside edge of town and not fenced/attended.....
Kind of strange. If I hadn't seen similar things
myself I would be inclined to think you are making
it up. It sure does make you wonder about

On a side note, every winter I make my daughter's
horse contribute to its upkeep. Every morning and
afternoon, we take the manure out of the stall and
dig it into the garden beds where we are going to
grow onions the next season. If the ground is
frozen, we stockpile it for later. It always
results in nice big, tasty onions.

(quoted from post at 05:35:35 04/11/12) Kind of strange. If I hadn't seen similar things
myself I would be inclined to think you are making
it up. It sure does make you wonder about

On a side note, every winter I make my daughter's
horse contribute to its upkeep. Every morning and
afternoon, we take the manure out of the stall and
dig it into the garden beds where we are going to
grow onions the next season. If the ground is
frozen, we stockpile it for later. It always
results in nice big, tasty onions.


you just can't make this stuff up.... Russian guy has two big greenhouses and takes about everything I have, I just slip a container to other folks as they ask. Keep 2 piles for ourselves for compost for some flowers. We don't have time for a garden and living here we can get fresh produce year round at the store cheaper than you could even think about growing it yourself.
Funny thing is, other stuff just don't get stolen around here.... Cord after cord of cut, split, and stacked firewood all thru the woods and noone touches it, equipment sets out, yadda yadda..... Plenty of stuff more valuable than a pile of poo....
Under the headline of "righting a wrong", our government and a few lost "leaders" have taught much of America that if they have not worked and made it, they deserve to get it from someone that does have it.
Watch shows such as "Bait Car" that are real events on tape, and ask yourself if give aways and free programs, low cost housing, etc., have actually "helped" the ones that they were designed to help.
Give a man a fish, he will develop a taste for fish and steal them.
Force a man to learn to fish and he will provide for himself and family.
I guess that they where stealing the POO but it could also be said that they where just gleaning the field. I bet that you don't gather the POO off of the pastures. So they where taking something you don't utilize much. (Their view of your POO LOL)

As far as the trespassing part. I agree with you on that. I would be scared to death to have horses scattered around like you have them. Then add in just using electric fence to keep them in is just a liability issue waiting happen.

My sister lives in South-west Ohio. They now have local animal ordinances that make electric fence illegal to be used on horses. To make it even better the Humane Society has enforcement powers. So you have a bunch of tree hugging radicals watching you every step of the way. She got wrote up this last winter ( while she was at work) for a rescued horse that was too thin to suit the local busy body. She had to go to court with pictures of where she had gotten the horse and show the horse was actually gaining weight. If she had not fought it she would have had a $500 fine and been on an animal probation that would have had the Humane Society making monthly checks on all of her animals. The skinny rescue horse is not longer a problem BIL took him out to a farm in eastern Ohio and buried the thing after it had attacked my sister twice. All the other horses where sold for what ever they would bring. Needless to say their house/acreage is for sale. My BIL can transfer to a good many places for his company. HE is going some where with out the animal Nazis. That will not be Ohio.
The stupid part of the whole thing is if they'd just knocked on your door and ASKED, you would've said, "Come on over, take as much as you need."
Gee Dave....No wounder you get a little upset when i give you crap!!!!!!Dident know you already had your own. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
(quoted from post at 06:43:00 04/11/12) I guess that they where stealing the POO but it could also be said that they where just gleaning the field. I bet that you don't gather the POO off of the pastures. So they where taking something you don't utilize much. (Their view of your POO LOL)

As far as the trespassing part. I agree with you on that. I would be scared to death to have horses scattered around like you have them. Then add in just using electric fence to keep them in is just a liability issue waiting happen.

My sister lives in South-west Ohio. They now have local animal ordinances that make electric fence illegal to be used on horses. To make it even better the Humane Society has enforcement powers. So you have a bunch of tree hugging radicals watching you every step of the way. She got wrote up this last winter ( while she was at work) for a rescued horse that was too thin to suit the local busy body. She had to go to court with pictures of where she had gotten the horse and show the horse was actually gaining weight. If she had not fought it she would have had a $500 fine and been on an animal probation that would have had the Humane Society making monthly checks on all of her animals. The skinny rescue horse is not longer a problem BIL took him out to a farm in eastern Ohio and buried the thing after it had attacked my sister twice. All the other horses where sold for what ever they would bring. Needless to say their house/acreage is for sale. My BIL can transfer to a good many places for his company. HE is going some where with out the animal Nazis. That will not be Ohio.

That's why I'm FROM Ohio... and FROM the States in general.... Home just isn't the same as it was when I left (and some things are exactly the same.... Then, I read what folks say on some of these forums and just can't see myself putting up with them.....

As for the horses and fence. Electric band or rope is all that's aloud in the areas outside town. I worry about them also but always pamper the busybodies and neighbors so pretty much everyone looks out for them... Kid that works on my stuff lives on the other side of the little valley where some of the horses spend the winter and where my tractor spends most of it's time. His mom, dad, and grandma are all in the house too with a porch the length of the ghouse facing the pastures. They have a spotlight mounted on the porch rail and keep binoculars on the porch all the time. Never have to worry about those places. And if I hadn't have been there myself, they would have ran the folks off..... All the horses are insured in case they do property damage.....
I have to wonder just how those idiots in Ohio expect people to keep their horses in their pastures if electric fence is illegal???? Bunch of morons, there is nothing wrong with electric fence, now if they are talking about barbed wire, I may tend to agree, but I will always use smooth Electric fence, it"s the only thing that keeps them from pushing the rails off the posts.
Have they ever seen what happens when a spooked horse goes through a barbed wire or a solid rail fence? Its not a pretty sight.

What makes them think electric is inhumane? I've made contact with mine numerous times and while it wasn't fun, it didn't cause any injuries.
remove the poop and now you need twice as much fertilizer.. leave the poop and you need much less.

Your stealing protien from your soil..

grazed field always require less fertilizer than hayed fields.. because you let the horses or cows put some of it back.
What on God's green earth are some of you babbling about?

dave's complaining about hippies stealing his horse poo in Germany, and suddenly people are complaining about electric fences in Ohio, and rambling on about how taking the poo out of a pasture means you need to fertilize it.
(quoted from post at 11:33:45 04/11/12) What on God's green earth are some of you babbling about?

dave's complaining about hippies stealing his horse poo in Germany, and suddenly people are complaining about electric fences in Ohio, and rambling on about how taking the poo out of a pasture means you need to fertilize it.

Not a matter whether it's poo or diesel, it's the principal of someone going thru a fence and almost having to move a sign to do it. You could tell the woman was/is a thief at heart because she thought nothing of taking without asking then snapped right off that she wouldn't pay. I take the stuff to whoever wants it and put it where they want it (as close as I can get the tractor) and however much they want for free and the whole town knows it (except these folks I guess).....

As for fertilizer, the nonly poo that comes off a pasture is what somone asks for and I let them pick up. The rest gets spread several times a season with a chain harrow..... I fill the "delivery" containers from stalls/paddocks....
Poo prices must be skyrocketing! I went to a jobsite today and
someone had stolen about 500 pounds of biosol, I wish they would
have stolen the erosion blanket instead that stuff is more work!
(quoted from post at 22:04:56 04/11/12) Better give him the first glass..
Only ones that like (and they are prolly lieing) the wine from this region (Franconia) are the ones that are from here and they swear that it is just the best gift in the world. Those of us that aren't from here search for (and invent) and take advantage of every opportunity to pass it off to some other slug :roll:

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