feeding out steer

Depends what weight you want to finish him out at and what corn will you be feeding. Shell corn, cracked corn, ground corn? I feed cracked corn to my beef steers and it works well. Is it a beef or dairy steer? Be careful he doesn't bloat also. Hope this helps.
Kow Farmer
That depends on how high a finish you want on him, do you want good average ''select'' grade beef or do you want ''choice'' beef, if you want choice he will have to fat enough to roll a quarter down his back. You are starting with a 1000 lb. steer, gain him to 1200 lbs. on a high energy ration and he ought to be good to go. It will take a good bit of corn.
Be darned careful starting him on it. Don't just fill a steer stuffer and turn him loose on it if he hasn't had any grain up to this point. Start him out slow and bring it up to free choice or you'll have en expensive corpse. If he starts right out and gorges himself,the resulting gas will turn to acid in his bloodstream and he WILL die of acidosis.
I second what rrlund said. Had a cow get into corn and she died of acidosis. All the baking soda drenches in the world didnt save her. Nice and easy does it.
I lost two beautiful holstein heifers that way one time. They got a door open and probably didn't eat more than a five gallon pail full each,and they'd been on grain all along in a group feeder with a limited amount in it twice a day. There wasn't a thing in the world that the vet could do for them.

A guy out east of town lost a nice feeder steer that way too. His father in law warned him not to do it,but he knew better. "People do it all the time". He filled a tub in the pen with grain as soon as he weaned it. Killed it real quick. He thought it died of a broken heart because he took it away from its mother. That alone would have been funny if the result hadn't been what it was.
Like the others say, work him up gradual on the grain before you put him on the steer stuffer. I take at least a month on a little at a time untill they start leaving a little grain between feedings. Then you can think about filling the steer stuffer up. Thats what I do with my holstein feeders I feed out. I get them at about 300# and give them good hay and a little grain and work them up to full grain. Then fill the stuffer up with ground corn and supplement. Once they get going they eat very little hay. I haven't had any health problems with that method.
good way to lose a bunch of money. have seen it tried/done by lifetime farmers. never saved a dime and most lost money doing it. it's really developed into a science!
I should add; feeding out a hog is easy. especially if you have access to any type of free feed. i use to use fruit off of my orchard trees. I've seen rejected dry dogfood used. hogs will pretty much gain on anything.
It would be hard to make money if you were selling them at the local yard. I sell mine all to private parties and have the same customers come back every year. I deliver them to the packing house and they pick them up cut and wrapped. I get a good price for them and they get good quality meat.
Don't know about that. I've sold several fats at the sale barn recently that brought in excess of $1800. I averaged over 1700 on a load last week.
What is breed,age,and size? If he hasnt had any grain, id start out with 1/4-1/2 of a 5 gallon bucket each day or morning and night for a couple of weeks to be sure he will eat it and doesnt get the scours/bloat. Then increase a little at a time until he is on self feed. Ive seen most get them started on feed to being on full feed in about 4-6 weeks.If he"s at 400 lb and you want him at 1300 it could take 8 months. If he is a 1000 pounder and you want him at 1300 a couple of months may do. Big thing is to get them started without making them sick, then put it to em. I assume you are just talking about ground ear or shelled corn for feed.
Start him out on a pound or less a day with all the hay he will eat. Increase at a pound at a time every 3 or 4 days until you reach full feed. 20 to 25 pounds a day. At 5 pounds include a pound of 32% protien, at 15 pounds increase to 2 pounds of 32%. If you want to feed twice a day just feed 1/2 the amount. This came from a local feed store. GOOD LUCK

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