TRACTOR ---Buzzard roost

I hope this qualifies now,?
There seems to be a "Buzzard roost about,1/2 mile south of my home (Carrollton Ohio). Anyhow each morning, and evening, all year long, (they don't seem to migrate), I can see about 50 or 60 circling above the "roost" till they find a "thermal updraft" to take them higher, in the morning,
or ride it lower at evening.
God Bless
There is a government communications tower about 15 miles from me that doubles as a buzzard roost. When I visit my daughter near there, there is always a large number of them in the sky.
I can even turn this into a post for the combine forum. I was in Oklahoma with a combine outside a welding shop. The combine was a Lexion 580 that was a really big tall machine. I was on top of the grain tank hanging off the side precariously, reaching down to try to position a broken swing cylinder bracket. The owner of the welding shop, who was a real character, was standing on the ground looking up at me. He casually said "looks like the buzzards are circling". I thought he was giving me a hint that maybe I should try a safer way of getting at the bracket, but then I glanced up at the sky and the buzzards WERE circling above me. Were they eyeing me as their next meal? We'll never know. At least I didn't end up being the meal! Jim
With the p1ss poor winter we had I doubt they ever left.

Lack of frost has me concerned with all the creepy crawlies that didn't ki11ed off. I fear the pest are likely going to be a real problem for the crops.
When Dad was farming I would be hoeing beans, and would see buzards circuling above. I would lay down to see if the buzzards would come to see if they had a meal. They are smarter than a 12 year old. Don't see buzzards anymore. Stan

Grew up next to a power line right of way in SE OH as a kid. They always returned/left the same time each year and used the tower across the rever and on the hill from the house as a roost. Used to set on the back porch for hours with binoculars and watch them.....
They usually follow the snow melt, but I seem them year round in this area. I saw one drop in for a dead mouse, which I think the neighbors cat left out as a trophy,they have sharp eyes from above.
Used to see alot of them around here. They used to roost about two farms over. Don't see many these days.


(any one else ever had them go after new born calves?)
Yeah, a few years ago, those little short winged ones. Practiced the three S'es on one and they haven't been a problem since. Think that one died of 222 disease. Joe
They like cell towers here. When I was a kid, a long, long,long,time ago, There was a Buzzard roost in a big old dead oak tree on our place. Brother and I strapped dinamite to several major limbs. Those old dead limbs made good shrapnell. No more Buzzard roost on our place.
I was planting out broccoli last Saturday afternoon and ran into a grasshopper which had managed to overwinter somehow. Yeah, a nice, mild winter.

we have quite a few around here in sw ok. hit one while driving a box van, the stink was unbelievable-thing puked all down the side.

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