O/T. Ground frost .

Normally we would have a foot to 3 foot of frost here in SE Iowa.

A guy came yesterday and laid 6000 feet of tile for me and was digging through about 3 inches of frost.

He has been running all winter except for a week or 2 that it was too muddy.

US Highway 2 at Cass Lake, MN 54.5" in the roadway, Surface in woods is still dry from fall. Guessing 36+ inches below the real dry almost powdery top layer.
On Dec 12 and 13 we plowed in 8300 feet of tile, frost was about ten inches, but very crystalline since we haven"t had a decent rain since July. We"ve had only two nights down to zero. Usually would be several feet frost by now. Hr NW of MPLS.

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