weather update


Farmington IL
It stinks!!

I dont know how much snow we have, not that much, 3,4,5 inches, cant really tell but its all swirling around everywhere all the time. Its 15 degrees with 25mph winds so it is very unpleasant out and traveling around to do chores visibilty is not good many places and the roads are snow covered and slick in many areas. Cows and calves are pretty well hiding from the wind and wrigley and I are in for the night. No problems today just not very enjoyable.

I hope everyone else got along ok as well.
Just started to mix with snow about 5 o'clock here. I can see a little bit on the deck right now. Not much wind,not too cold yet. You can keep it,that's OK.
Suspect the weather media has over spectacularized the oncoming storm. Let's see what it looks like tomorrow evening. So far, just a half inch or so of wet sticky snow.
Its even cooling off here on Van. Island.Right around the freezing mark.Calling for snow late weekend.No wind,high cloud. Should I put the backblade on now or should I wait until I need it?Might not need it.
It's been BLOWING { 20-40 mph } ALL day and THANK goodness we only got around 2 inches of snow ....
It's suppose to get up to 40's by Sunday & Monday ...

Central Iowa ........ mark
Same way here and ol' Boz is a total nervous wreck. :>)


That's what they do. Gonna be more interesting to see what happens next Tuesday. Channel 8 says 19 degrees,Channel 13 says 34. That's quite a spread.
We'd be sruggling for 3 inches north of you Bill, run the township trucks around about 2:00pm. More of a shakedown cruise if any thing. No word about school tommorra but all extracurricular activities postponed tonite.Up at 4, gonna run em all again before school just to make sure. Chuck Collins says windy again tommorrow, oh well, 40 by monday!
We're like you bill south of ya anyway. No tellin how much snow we got, somewhere east of us there has to be a great big snow drift.
BUT could you turn the tractor and SNOW blower around so it don't come into Peoria?

Just wonderin

snow on is that Vancouver Island? if so I'd wait till you need it, you guys warm up pretty quick dont ya?? Rocko.
glad yer ok bill, shop is going nutz up here, cars all over in the ditches, bad head on with a semi and a mini-van, smilin john put the flat bed in the ditch on the ice, ole bill went mia for a while with the wrecker, cell phone went dead, all three trucks are back in action on the road. gonna be a long night. think wrigley can drive a wrecker??????
hey kruser.....git cher hinney up here and get in a truck!!!!!!!!!!!!! smilin john put the flat bed in the ditch!!!!!
6-8" of fluffy snow since last night with 6-8 more tonight and more predicted for tomorrow. It is 18* here with 40mph winds coming straight off lake superior so it is mighty cold. Doing the chores today was joyful with the blowing/blinding snow, frozen waters, and 2' tall snow drifts on one of my driveways. Got to love winter when you live in the great white north.....
Well, I guess it's moving east. It's 9:15 PM EST here and the current temp is 51. Tomorrow the high is only supposed to be 43. Our "normal" high for this time of year is 45-50 and low 25-30. Son said they are expecting snow tonight and tomorrow in western NC.
It's not fun taking care of cattle in weather like that. Doesn't really matter if you hava a cab or not. You still gotta get out to open the gates, clean the bunks, check the waters etc. I don't envy you a bit. We have the wind here but just a flurry of snow.
About 18 here now, not much snow but the roads are ice. Go anywhere you want, just not fast! Once again the weather guys have totally overrated this thing so far. Just a bit of winter weather.
I'll take the snow over the mud! I hope it stays around for a while.

I vote for cold over mud too. We need a dep freeze to take care of the combine ruts that were cut this fall.

I just got in from the barn. The pigs were up and running around while I bedded pens, so they should be warmed up.

16 degrees, but no snow here yet, but it looks like it's getting closer. I guess we'll take what we get but I don't think it'll be what they predicted.

We'll see what morning brings.


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