Cell phone ban -commercial drivers

Well I think that law is a bunch of S#%&! I have a CDL and that doesnt make me a less of a carefull driver than someone driving a sadan. Who thinks up these dumba$$ laws anyway?!?!


Well-known Member
There is now a ban on cell phone usage by commercial truck drivers. Penalties for driver, truck owners are severe. If you're a commercial driver you need to find out how this will affect you. Some of us hauling show tractors, or other farm machinery, or farm products may well fall under this ban. None of us need to find out the hard way!
Are we/you talking TOTAL CELL PHONE usage or just the HANDHELD usage??

I can agree with banning handheld phone while driving anything.

Rick... 1.5 MILLION mile OTR driver...RETIRED for last 19 months.
My friend was killed by a trucker who ran a red light while texting. I support the ban on cell phone use for ALL drivers.
I had a driver pull out in front of me so short I had to stop in a 55mph for him to get out of the driveway, when I pulled in front of him to drag his A$$ out of the cab his response was I ll have to call you back! I am a CDL Hazmat driver and I wish they would ban all cell phones from moving cars.trucks and farm tractors,no you can not talk and drive safely.
Heard about it today at work. The company is really nervous about the company fine.
Tim in OR
You can use a cell phone if you have a hands free device(BlueTooth).Can use speaker phone. Can't reach for the phone to answer it. Can't dial a number while moving. Fine is $2750.00. Lose your license after 2nd offense. Company can get fined $11.000 for allowing company drivers using cell phones without hands free.
I think all cell phone use should be banned including hands free. People need their brain focused on their driving not yakking.
don't really understand why we have to ban everything these days... seriously, there are laws on the books for driving with care (how ever it's worded it your local juristiction), but the police/law makers always seem to want more laws (maybe it makes them think they're doing something about the problem)...

Driving while on the phone is no different from any of the other offences of driving, they are all "careless driving" ie NOT paying attention to the job you're doing - driving... just the same as these idiots who can't figure out that they need lights on cause it's raining hard/foggy/dark... or that have headlights/tail lights out... they don't take the job of driving seriously enough to do simple checks or do their best to arrive safely...

And lets not get me started on drivers having fog lights on when it's not foggy... (they all seem to think it "looks cool")... half the fogs lights these days seem to be design to blind the oncoming driver at about 50 yards distant...

sorry about the rant...
this is just the start. First cdl then everyone. They should ban people who don't have the brain power to know when to shut up to. that next lol
Some people can't walk and chew gum at the same time. I'll admit to being one of them. I wonder if they'll ban the Onstar phone in GM vehicles? By they way, today I got a political telemarketer call on my ONSTAR phone while I was drivng down the road. I was so mad I forget who the candidate was. I should have listened closer just in case HE was one of those who is in FAVOR of the cell phone ban!!! Jim
FIRST AND FOREMOST, this new ban was not brought by any elected legislators. It was brought by more unelected, appointed czars that are writing and enacting laws through no legislation what so ever.

People don't vote, or don't pay attention when voting, and little by little we are headed to a place and time when we won't be allowed to vote because unelected, appointed czars are getting away with stuff like this, that they should not be. There is no place in our U.S. Constitution that allows for non-elected people to legislate anything, yet they are because we let them.


Not One Of These People Were Elected
how are the going to enforce this? they don't enforce the laws they have now! I see people running stop signs all the time. stop still means stop, not slow down and go. distracted drivers are not being safe. you see them all the time. AT&T has a good on testing and driving. it will break your heart to see the young people killed or maimed because they were texting will driving. be safe!!

(quoted from post at 23:40:25 01/03/12) Why didnt they ban talking on CB's back in the 70s when we were all rachet jawing on them.

I've been wondering the same thing. Maybe because you probably waited to answer the other CBer until after you got through the traffic light?
Sad thing about this whole deal is that the majority of wrecks I see out there are caused by idiots in the smaller vehicles, NOT by truck drivers. Unfortunately the media has convinced the other drivers that the truck drivers are the problems and they have absolutely no responsibility at all for anything that happens. Heck I've had a couple of people on bicycles run out in front of me, cut me off, etc and I can't count the number of smaller vehicles that have done the same thing. On my side I'll admit I've had a couple of close calls that were my fault too. Thing is they were typically things like coming out of somewhere where I had to do it blind due to various types of obstructions, and once when I lost a pin out of one rear brake clevis and almost didn't stop going down a hill....now that was a real butt clencher....
Funny thing I've never had a problem talking on the phone and still watching the road on any type of device. Tell me the difference in a driver in a new vehicle using one of the new 'infotainment' computers, an old time trucker talking on a CB, a cop using the keypad on his in car computer, or me talking on my cell.......ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL....except I can pay attention to the road and talk at the same time and even better can walk and chew gum....LOL
We talked about this subject about 2 weeks ago on the transporting board of this site. You can find links to the long winded version of the rule there.

<a href="http://www.ytmag.com/cgi-bin/viewit.cgi?bd=tport&th=8974">New cell phone rules

I support the rule even though it effects me directly. But I think it should be expanded to include all drivers just not CDL holders.
The problem is they can pass and enforce laws against CDL drivers and no one cares. Heck we are making the roads safer because those dang truck drivers think they own the road.
Try and pass a similar law against automobiles and it would be political suicide.

Over 3 million miles
Class A with T X endorsements
I work for a local utility (cable tv) and in our safety meeting last month, we were told that a federal law banning the use texting and or talking on a cell phone while operating a commercial vehicle (that includes police by the way) will be in place starting january 1st 2012. That if caught, the driver's employer would be fined from 1,000 to 11,000 not the driver unless of course the driver is the owner.
Yes also lets ban all passingers, AM/FM radios, cb"s of course all drivers would fall asleep from boardom.

I've ran across truckdrivers in the military (a bunch of which get out and continue on as a civilian) that couldn't chew gum and walk at the same time.. Why would anyone get upset about a law that may make them safer.....?? I think it should be across the board tho for all drivers period. And, if someone causes an accident while doing (proven) anything distracting like makeup, reading a map, etc, they should be charged accordingly (including murder).... You can't fix stupid, but at least you can attempt to control it a little....
Talking on cell phones can be safe. All you have to do is follow this advice. One of the first things I was told by my flight instructor over 30 years ago, was to fly the airplane then talk on the radio. Ive used that advice ever since including using my cell phone while im driving. But I use a head set with my cell phone, just as I do flying.
As I understand it, hands-free headset use is allowed. I can't imagine anyone who drives for a living not using a headset.

BTW, studies show that cell phone use with a headset is just as dangerous as handheld use.
(quoted from post at 03:26:01 01/04/12)

BTW, studies show that cell phone use with a headset is just as dangerous as handheld use.

It's the chewing and walking thing at play there also.... Some folks just can't handle two things at once.....
once again its another rule aimed at commercial drivers, by a group of people who know nothing about them while most do use some type of hands free system, were not always talking about who was seen with who last nite, or some other non essential stuff like non commercial drivers, in my type of hauling the cell phone is a business tool,not a source of entertainment, in fact our boss really doesnt want us talking on the phone unless its to him, or the customer that the load is for,and if its the boss we better answer it, but the ban should be for ALL drivers on a public road, the non commercial drivers and especiall teen drivers are by far the less able to manage doing more than one thing at once
(quoted from post at 22:09:25 01/03/12) FIRST AND FOREMOST, this new ban was not brought by any elected legislators. It was brought by more unelected, appointed czars that are writing and enacting laws through no legislation what so ever.

People don't vote, or don't pay attention when voting, and little by little we are headed to a place and time when we won't be allowed to vote because unelected, appointed czars are getting away with stuff like this, that they should not be. There is no place in our U.S. Constitution that allows for non-elected people to legislate anything, yet they are because we let them.


Not One Of These People Were Elected

Maybe you should go back and read the story. You are correct that FSMCA officials are not elected, but wrong in saying that they enact laws. Laws are enacted by congress and signed in by president. However they do not just fall into Congress from the legislation fairy. They COME FROM somewhere first. Many from industry through lobbyists to house and senate members, and many from gov't agencies such as Dept. of Agriculture or FSMCA.
What happened is that the national transportation safety board decided that about 4500 people died on the highways last year while talking or texting while driving. Now they connot affect state laws reguarding driving but they can make rules that affect US DOT vehicles. The next plan in this is to force states to make cell phone laws by the threat of withholding federal highway funds. It's blackmail pure and simple but they have done it before and will do it again. One politician is already pushing to make cell phone makers to build in a motion dector into the phones that will shut the phone down if it's moving over a certain speed.

Ya gotta remember that the federal government has for more than 30 years been trying to push the idea of a federal drivers license and license plates. The states have refused to give up that authority but still that is an agenda that has spanned presidents and politicians from both parties. One proposal put forward when slick Willie was in office was that the fees for plates and DL's would be passed back to the states and that the states could save a great deal of money by shutting down the DMV.

AS far as the Cb's were concerned for the most part they were left on channel 19. The problem with cells is dialing and texting while driving.

You can be distracted while driving by lots of things. Changing Cd's, channel flipping on the radio, opening a pack of smokes or food pakages, pouring coffee from a Thermos, putting on makup and changing clothing while driving.

FYI- THE FMCSA regulatory committee that comes up with all the rules for CMVs is made up of trucking industry representatives, LE and safety advocates. It's not just cops or .gov types. These are the people that come up with this stuff. I clearly remember several years back when the HOS rules were changed and we had a guy on the board. He said it was industry that wanted it, not LEO. So consider that when pointing fingers.

Oh and by the way, some 70% of TA's that involve a commercial vehicle that result in a death are NOT the proffesional drivers fault.

Worse than the things you mention as distractions is having children in the car.
They really should oulaw carrying children in your vehicle.
Yes it is not the fault of the DOT most times but they can be a a$$ sometimes during inspection. Such as targeting truck drivers while letting cars with the same infraction pass.

The fault for HOS and this cell phone rule is the general public believing truck drivers are unsafe.
Then we have the don't accept a quick check commercials because trucks have mega insurance.

Yes trucking has a bad name when running 24/7 on the best chicken feed you can find. We may never get rid of that sterotype.
(quoted from post at 08:59:52 01/04/12) What happened is that the national transportation safety board decided that about 4500 people died on the highways last year while talking or texting while driving. Now they connot affect state laws reguarding driving but they can make rules that affect US DOT vehicles. The next plan in this is to force states to make cell phone laws by the threat of withholding federal highway funds. It's blackmail pure and simple but they have done it before and will do it again. One politician is already pushing to make cell phone makers to build in a motion dector into the phones that will shut the phone down if it's moving over a certain speed.

Ya gotta remember that the federal government has for more than 30 years been trying to push the idea of a federal drivers license and license plates. The states have refused to give up that authority but still that is an agenda that has spanned presidents and politicians from both parties. One proposal put forward when slick Willie was in office was that the fees for plates and DL's would be passed back to the states and that the states could save a great deal of money by shutting down the DMV.

AS far as the Cb's were concerned for the most part they were left on channel 19. The problem with cells is dialing and texting while driving.

You can be distracted while driving by lots of things. Changing Cd's, channel flipping on the radio, opening a pack of smokes or food pakages, pouring coffee from a Thermos, putting on makup and changing clothing while driving.

Rick, I agree completely. Just like the new law banning incandescent light bulbs and the new rules requiring backup cameras in every new vehicle in 2014, it's the "nanny government" mentality of people in DC (politicians and agency beuracrats alike) that's killing this country. They think they know what's best for us.

However, I use my cell phone infrequently on the freeway while driving. I make a call when it's safe to do so. I don't chat for no good reason. It's usually "I'm running late, I'll be there in x minutes. Goodby".

I don't see a problem if you're a driver (commercial or otherwise) driving on the turnpike/expressway with few exits/entrances, no stop and go with miles of open road in front and behind. But in congested traffic, you need to be concentrating on driving 100% of the time,period.

Most of the time when I pass a slow moving vehicle in rush hour that is backing up traffic and causing hazardous driving conditions, it's someone yakking on their cell phone or looking down at it trying to dial or text.

I was in Chicago recently where a sign said "No cell phone use in construction zone". Yet, there was woman backing up traffic, yakking on her phone. You can't ban ignorance and stupidity.

Bottom line is that I don't think we need a ban that can't be enforced.
(quoted from post at 06:36:28 01/04/12) Worse than the things you mention as distractions is having children in the car.
They really should oulaw carrying children in your vehicle.

LOL I've been saying that for years! Son jokes about an idea for a new product......the Kid Stacker 2000!

It's not the number of accidents, but the SEVERITY of the accidents that causes commercial truck drivers to receive extra attention.

Just this last summer, a dump truck driver wasn't paying attention and plowed into a line of stopped cars in front of the Brockport NY Walmart. IIRC a total of three people died as a result of that crash.

Commercial truck drivers may not be "less safe" than soccer mom in a minivan, but they need to be much MORE safe than soccer mom in a minivan because of the size of the vehicle they drive.

A simple rear-ender between two SUVs turns into a severe injury accident, or even a fatal accident, if you swap out one of those vehicles for a loaded 10-wheeler.
I don't see how they can enforce the cell phone thing. It has been proven that both the hands free and the phone on the ear are the same distraction. People concentrate on their discussion on the phone and not their driving. It is not the fact of it in their hands since scratching your ear, or wiping sweat doesn't distract you from driving. It is the loss of concentration.

But rather than tickets and such, if it can be shown via phone records, that the driver was using their phone to text or talk, the insurance carrier should have the ability to deny claims on the individual's accident. If you cause the accident due to negligent driving, why should your insurance be on the hook for the cost? Same with driving intoxicated.

Maybe the insurance should be responsible for the other person but not the negligent driver nor his vehicle. Hit them in the pocketbook and see how things change.

As always, Commercial vehicles are targeted..

As with the old 55 MPH limit for trucks..the powers that be bring in mountains of $$$$$$$$, before the laws are finally somewhat corrected..

I do know about "the miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles" and there would be plenty time to use a Cell...BUT, I see around here, 5 and 7 axle stone truck drivers who seem to NEVER be without a Cell in there hand..
Accidents for them, on a per-mile basis is terrible..either left-of-Center, or laying them over..even on straight 2-lane roads..!!
I got off the "Road" about the time Cell phones were just starting to come around...
I vote for the old CB and channel 12..!!!

In some state police cars are not commercial vehicles, they are not even considered motor vehicles- eliminates the cops having to follow a lot of rules. On cell phones let's take it a step further and maximize our safety potential and make stupidity a crime, that way we don't need to address why you're not driving appropriately, all that would be needed is to prove you weren't, punch your ticket and take your money, third time it happens get used to walking. Would save us a lot of time, money, needless deaths, reduce traffic, reduce green house gas emissions, increase employment (more taxi and bus drivers). Does the fact that it wouldn't work make it a bad idea? (introduction to the government thought process)

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