Last Angry Farmer - part II


Well-known Member
I posted awhile back about a ticked off farmer down down in the village (where the gas stations and stores are). He has the last dairy farm within village limits. Farming is now illegal within those limits but he's grandfathered in - until something goes wrong. By law if he stops farming for 12 months - he's done forever.

In November he ran for several political positions. Town Justice, Town Supervisor, County Board Seat, etc. He didn't win in any of the elections. After he lost, he posted an angry sign.

Took a ride today and I see he's angry again. Something to do with our local forest ranger - not sure what. I assume it has something to do with deer hunting but who knows?

His big signs are posted directly across the street from a fairly new Stewarts Shop and the Interstate exchange. Kind of funny. Note sure it's the best way to get votes though.

On the way down to town from my place . . noted a beaver lodge I hadn't noticed when the leaves were still on the trees . .

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Last month's sign. The "stupid" voters are the ones that voted for the other guy . .

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New sign today . .

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close-up . . .

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Has your friend considered national office? I could support someone who has such little tolerance for politically correct. What's his position on external_linkcare, Climate Change and gay marriage? Would he give thought to challanging external_link in a primary election? I've never really thought well of politicans that tell us what we want to hear, and clearly he doesn't have that problem.
I'm guessing they get rich because dumb law enforcement, such as Mark Vencak, are allowing it! We need this farmer in Washington right now!!!!
I know the guy personally and kind of like him. He just tells it like he sees it. Funny thing is - face to face he's a pretty quiet guy. It's a shame that big politicians cannot do the same and be allowed to be themselves.

I hate to admit it, but I do not think it's possible for a presidential hopeful to be "himself/herself" and get elected. Even when they DO get elected it seems they have to put on airs. George Bush was a prime example. When not reading a script and just being himself - he was funny and very well spoken.

Maybe external_link has it right? Never speak from the heart and just read speeches- written by others - off the almighty teleprompter.

In my lifetime, I only recall two presidents that had me feeling like they were real and sincere. Harry Truman and Ronald Regan. My feelings for Harry S. are in retrospect since when he was president, I was a clueless kid. With Ronald Regan? He made me proud of our country. I know history wants to rewrite him as an "evil conservative." Well - so am I. He made me feel good and I think that is job #1 for a president. Not to trash our country like you-know-who is doing now.
The problem of politicans having to choose between being who they are or getting elected is because who they are is evil. If they were good, they could be themselves. When they withhold their intentions so they can get elected, it is because we would not support their intentions, obviously. Perhaps they should simply try become good, instead of trying to invent some lie that will make us think they are good?
You could make a fortune too if you had inside information that tells you which stocks are going to go up and which ones are going down, and you could legally act on that information. Our esteemed Congressmen can and do.
Jerry it isn't legal for even Congressmen to do so. The truth is that while they are in office their stocks are to be held in what is called, "A Blind Trust". If it can be proven that a Congressman sold or bought stocks while in office with information he had privilage to, because of his duties, he could( and I mean SHOULD) be removed, but as long as his peers get away with it, they won't enforce anything.
is that walton mountain? i am behind this guy 100%. i dont anything about the situation....but we need more people like this. take it to the backward robot d--basses!!
RE: "the problem of politicans having to choose between being who they are or getting elected is because who they are is evil. If they were good, they could be themselves."

I don't believe that to be universally true. Yes, there are many that cloak their evil side (or socialist side like we have now) to get elected.

But we also have a rabidly abundant press. Someone well meaning and with good ideas can say something simple and true - and the press spirals out of control and changes those words into that night's "evil conservative" sound-bite. And many people now adays base much of what they think they know on those sound-bites.

As a result - if we had a really good candidate with ideas that might really help this country - I doubt he or she could win an election today unless a façade was kept in front of the voting public.
I don't buy into the notion that the other party is evil, yet, mine is purer than wind driven snow. Since I do believe the other party is evil, I don't believe that mine is looking out for America's best interest, either. I wish it were as simple as liberals are bad, conservatives are red white and loyal to the core blue, yet, that is pretty misguided. The problem is that the entire bunch of them are working to seperate money from the national treasury and tuck it freely into their own pockets. Whether they hail from a blue state or a red one, they have bipartisan support to eake in some green. The problem in a nutshell is that every election we muster at polling stations, hold our noses tight and vote for the candidate whose dishonest attempt to tell us what he will do offends us the least. We then spend the next four years complaining how the guy in office lied to us, as if we actually believed he was going to end taxes and bring world peace. We knew the guy was evil, though slightly less evil then the other guy, and we elected him, anyway.
Congress passed a lae making it legal for the congress people to do insider trading. They are above the law just as Holden, Pelosi and external_link think they are. When you have selective law enforcement and the news papers are owned by the liberals they can do anything they want.
In a city near me there is a city councilman who is an independent business man. He runs a well drilling company. In his political ads he wears his work clothes. He tells it like it is and he is the least popular man on the board. BUT, he got re-elected this past election. Honesty still appeals to a lot of people.
Term limits would help with a lot of problems. No more political "careers". Go, serve the public interest for a while then back to your real job. Sort of like jury duty.

I doubt they will vote that in themselves, but we can impose term limits by not voting for any incumbent.
Should correct his spelling if he wishes to run for town office. "There is"...more like "There ARE". Not to mention "meet" should be "met". Undoubtedly this guy has good intentions, but he should show a little professionalism.
You nailed it, we need a constitutional amendment limiting all federal representatives to two terms then maybe some of them would have the guts to tell the lobbyists to jump off a cliff. Even if you gave everyone that served their two terms a million dollars tax free at the end it would be way cheaper than what we are doing now.
Along with term limits, limit the length/cost of the campaigh season, and require politicians to resign from their present office before they can campaign for a higher office.

Many politicians campaign nearly full time for the next office while they are absent/useless at the job they were actually elected to do. How many of us could be absent from our jobs 50 percent of the time and still have that job after two years? Both political parties are equally guilty of this. Politicians who want to campaign for the next higher office should have to resign from their old office first.

Thanks for reading this. Good discussion.
i posted a reply to LDJ'S post that he is referring to awhile back and after eight hours it got yanked. i was telling everyone what the gov't is doing to the people in siskiyou county in ca. guess i was too direct re; what people like us should be doing about the things you guys are pointing out in your replies. this angry farmer is doing the right thing but i would bet for every one of him there are better than a hundred in his community that are just setting back with apathy and watching the show thinking it is not their fight. they will find out when it is too late that it in fact was their fight and they should have gotten off their butts and backed this guy up
if you are interested in knowing what you can do go to www.defend
i will probably get yanked again for mentioning a web site like this but ooh well.
great discussion, keep poking away at it.

don deere
I frequently get vaperized. Sometimes I haven't even said anything political. Something I posted on tool forum just last night got vaperized, and all it was was the steps for calculating actual CFM's of a compressor system. I scratched my head this evening wondering what thin skinned Nancy boy was offended by that? Was it the transposing the tank in gallons to cubic feet? Whatever it was, it's gone now.
Bob, your CFM comment was on this forum (Tractor Talk) and not Tool Talk. That's probably why you can't find it. Here is a link for you:

<A HREF="">Sanborn Air Compressor Advice Needed</A>

It's on Page 3 today on this forum, not vaporized. :)

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