Today's the day reisited

Old Roy

Well-known Member
Hey this is Roy's granddaughter. This is the outcome of the surgery today. He is in a little bit of pain cant see without his glasses so I am posting this for him. It looks like he got the worst end of the deal but you otta see the other guy. Doctor said he had to go a little deeper then usual but he shouldn't have any hemorrhoid problems. He will be back on as soon as he can thanks for all your support.
ps. I am not releasable for any of the words in this i was just the typer.
Thank you very much for the Up-date.I can see now my suggestion for contact lenses would be fruitless . Ask him who won the fight??? lol Thought he gave up boxing years ago lol. Hoping for a speedy recovery so I can heckle him again. Warmest regards to you the typest and to ROY the terrible( boxing robe name) Warmest regards LOU. ps from the looks of the picture, he is truly KEEPING AN EYE ON THE HAPPENINGS again LOL.
see how computer time starts fights? This is what happens if the typist wants more time on the computer.
you are very welcome he wanted me to let you all know he cant see the computer so I am in charge.. for now because I am the only one that can see. I honestly think the other person won ha. He has a Dr appointment on the 6th or 7th hopefully the swelling goes down before then i feel so bad. Ha he is definitely keeping that eye on me.
ha I have my own computer right beside his I am running mine and his at the moment. We did have one but he hogged it lol just kidding.
looks like they didn't go deep enough...... Still left a whole lotta ugly behind........ No wonder there is so many malpractice charges.......

get better anyway....
Well, at least he still is on top of the ground so there's plenty to be Thankful for. May a couple days rest and healing at least get him back to the point of some vision. God Bless
Thanks for the good news this morning.

Glad to hear that all went well yesterday with his surgery.

Healing process will seem slow, but much better than the alternative.

His eyesight will improve in about a week.

Let him know that we"re anxious for his return on the YT forum.

If that"s your photo behind him, you type very good for such a youngster!
Not as bad as I thought it would be. Only one eye is really bad and not a lot of bruising down your face.

You"ll be as handsome as every in a few weeks!
"Good God, that guy had a nasty left hook"

Seriously, just let him remain incognito for a couple, three weeks if he wants to and then see how he looks.
we just took the bandage off and it is supposed to stay off till he gets the stitches out. He said he should of had your wife do it because her stitches look better on a horses and the doctor went as deep as he could he scratched the table with his scalpel.

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