O/T This Is Not A Rant........I'm Just Tellin' Ya

Allan in NE

Well-known Member

I wake up this morning and seems like everyone is piling on my bud from up north. Wait just a darned minute here! Consider what is going on.

North Dakota is sitting on a ocean of oil. First hole was punched in the ground way back in '57 or '58 and ever since that time, the state goes thru periodic booms and busts depending on the price of crude at any particular time.

They are now in one of these "boom" cycles with the resulting "draw" to every piece of three-legged dog dung on the North American continent wanting some of the 'easy' money.

Any half-wit with the mentality of a butter knife can now make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by simply showing up and sweeping out someone's leaky outhouse.

This causes the locals of the area to have a very negative and brittle "attitude" towards everything and everyone. The "negativity" in that part of the world just plain permeates even the air up there. They are unconsciously and continually pizzed off! All the time!!!

So the fella makes a somewhat disparaging remark. So what? Let it slide. He is a product of his environment and to his thinking, this is completely "normal".

Besides, 99% of the time, his posts are right on the mark and pretty darned informative. Let it go, he's really not a bad sort at all. :>)

Allan, just because they are all getting rich up there doesn't mean you have to act like a dick.
I spent a night in the parking lot at A WAlmart's in Minot N.D. this last summer because I would not pay what the locals were charging the oil workers.
Were the gangs of hookers still in force in that parking lot? Beating on your tractor cab at all hours of the night?

Aw yes, what an absolutely wonderful place. :>)

Just saw a thing on the TV that they pump to the soldiers over here about how ND is THE place now for jobs, living, etc....

And did they mention the $2K per month rent on a one-bedroom, cement-floor, basement appartment? :>)

I am not trying to either put down your Bud from up north of you a ways or to defend him; I just don’t have a dog in this fight.

I just thought I would make a few comments.

My altitude of this forum is that I read what I choose and watch the videos I think I will be interesting to me, that seem pretty simple.

I am often amazed by the passion some can work up over some of the posts and how offended some people can get, I also don’t understand those purity police who get upset over OT posts (just don’t read them).

Your bud from up north of you a ways, comes across in most of his post as either a troll or bitter at life opinioned _______ (you fill in the blanks).

I realize the written word on the Internet where emotions or voice inflections cannot be observed makes it easy to get offended and possible misjudge the authors intent, Many times your Bud posts some good information and advice but probably over 50% of the time he distracts from that with a shot across the Bow and an “if you don’t like it what are you going to do about attitude”.

Let me say that I had a brother in-law (who is now deceased) that behave very similar, when I first met him I wanted to take him out behind the barn and give him a lesson in common courtesy, After a few months he was one of the best friends I ever had, I would do anything for him and he would do anything he could to help me out: But you always had to put up with the negative comments and put downs.

So I suspect that if I met the poster in question, I would maybe even come to think he was a clone of my old Brother In-law.
Hi Neighbor,

Guess all I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't be at each other's throats like a pack of starving wild dogs.

Weather is changing for the worse and there's no use going totally nuts over it. :>)

I like everyone's comments. Don't care if they are delivered with a ball bat or a feather duster. :>)

I have nothing against your friends to the North and I'm happy for those that are doing well up there. Butttt, it will be a long time before I make the mistake of traveling through their state again like I did last summer coming back from Ak. I will be going to Wa. this coming summer but will drive around it.

only one I can think of from up there (at least with ND in the handle) is a little on the arrogant side anyway no matter what he posts...Birds of a feather..............
Nothing compares to Williston or Minot in the middle of Jan. Going to be rough sleeping in your car or truck about that time. Bet lot of the southern boys will be looking south about then.
Some people are just wound up too tight. Problem is, they like it that way and they call the rest of us slackers if we don't join in.
Trust me,,,Oil is not all its cracked up to be,,,,Its kinda like this,,,,You take a pail full a money OR oil and il take a pail full a watter and we will head out across the deasert.....see how far you get,,,
Dag-Nab-IT, I missed a rout. Oh well there will be more.

How's the tranny rebuild coming along. Do you need any hard parts or just seals an gaskets? Can't wait to see the inside of the transfer case.
Definition of a diplomat :
Someone who when really necessary, will tell you to go to he!!, but knows how to do it so gently that you look forward to the trip.

Being a diplomat when correcting wrong info would go a long way to getting the guy thinking correctly without beating him up and starting a fight. ;-)
Ya know--we aren't in the immediate drilling area but we are in the high priced living area. I call it the greed area. We had a flood that flooded over 400 homes in this valley. There was a shortage of rentals before that due to oil personal. They are building houses and rental units about as fast as possible. They are building at least seven large motels at the present time. If you are a carpenter and looking for a job this is the place. BRING your own sleeping room though. Len
I don`t know, I live in a state that is permanantly infested with oil profiteering, greedy, disrespectful out of state workers, and I don`t use it as an excuse to be a jerk. If I am a jerk, it is merely how I am, I will not try and blame it on someone else. How one acts under adverse conditions is the true measure of a man.
Happens every year about this time. First year I thought everyone had gone bonkers and quit coming to the YT but I figured out it was a seasonal thing. Aaron
(quoted from post at 17:10:24 11/21/11) Thats dam easy to say now but if there were millions in royaltys to be had you would go for it to
Yeah, maybe. I don`t think you have ever lived next to an oil patch? I live in the "richest" state in the union because of oil leases on the north slope, and if I had the power I would do away with all the prosperity the oil boom brought Alaska. Then the folks living here wouold be here because they wanted to be, not for the work and money.
Please forgive my brittle attitude and negavity. The first producing well in the Bakken went into production in 1951. I just like to be accurate.

I do appreciate the Nurosis diagnosis for the 650,000 or so of us that live here, most, including me, having never been to the oil patch. I am sure I speak for all North Dakotans when I thank you.

Still, I kinda have to wonder where your head was when you were here. Having read your posts over the years it seems, and please correct me if I am wrong, you went broke farming in Nebraska, filed for bankruptcy protection, stiffed your creditors, and went up near ND Highway 2 on the west side to wrench at on cars. I also picked up on several failed relationships with our leggy blonds, a bottle problem, and something about a bar in Ray.

I just have to wonder, if perhaps, you showed up with a bit of a attitude and it was just normal people having a normal reaction to that.

As for me, I guess I will be unconsciously and continually pizzed off, it is my normal.

As for the prostitutes at the Minot Walmart, I don't know, never been there, I would defer to your expertese.
(quoted from post at 21:13:14 11/21/11) Please forgive my brittle attitude and negavity. The first producing well in the Bakken went into production in 1951. I just like to be accurate.

I do appreciate the Nurosis diagnosis for the 650,000 or so of us that live here, most, including me, having never been to the oil patch. I am sure I speak for all North Dakotans when I thank you.

Still, I kinda have to wonder where your head was when you were here. Having read your posts over the years it seems, and please correct me if I am wrong, you went broke farming in Nebraska, filed for bankruptcy protection, stiffed your creditors, and went up near ND Highway 2 on the west side to wrench at on cars. I also picked up on several failed relationships with our leggy blonds, a bottle problem, and something about a bar in Ray.

I just have to wonder, if perhaps, you showed up with a bit of a attitude and it was just normal people having a normal reaction to that.

As for me, I guess I will be unconsciously and continually pizzed off, it is my normal.

As for the prostitutes at the Minot Walmart, I don't know, never been there, I would defer to your expertese.

Way to show `em, sunshine!
Thanks for the validation, Pard. You just proved my point.

As for the personal attack, maybe you should get your facts straight before you start throwing stones.

Went broke…………………………Yes
Filed for bankruptcy………………No
Stiffed my creditors…………………No
Went to the high line………………No
Failed relationship(s)………………No
Bar in Ray…………………………No
Parking lot hookers…………………No

Hated every blessed minute up there......A resounding YES

Nice vistin’ with ya,

Here, let me try this one more time.

"You would loose that bet".

That whole system is set up to flat screw the land owner on the one hand, then the general buying public on the other.


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