I'm ashamed.........


Well-known Member
Just heard about this situation and after reading the article linked to below, and seeing where these sorry bums are from, all I can say is that I am almost ashamed to say I am origionally from Charlotte.

Doing a little more looking it appears that this couple have decided to sue the airline because they saw a roach/waterbug on their flight and because of that think they have a right to sue for everything from false imprisionment, to false advertising, severe emotional distress, etc, etc, etc. Basically this sorry a$$ lawyer has decided that he really needs to get paid $100,000 from the airline because the whole incident was just so emotionally tramatizing, and so they can replace all of the personal items that they felt they had to throw away even through they were closed up tight in their luggage. Guess the guy is smart enough to be a lawyer but not smart enough to clean the outside of his luggage....No, wait, he can just buy new stuff because he saw a coackroach/waterbug... Too it seems like they were also so tramatized by the incident that they failed to tell anybody that the woman had become nausious after seeing the bug or worse still to get off the plane when it stopped in Atlanta.......

Jut goes to prove what I have said many times, anybody can sue anybody for anthing, not matter how frivilous or plain out stupid the reason.......Unfortunately, in the end, the person/business getting sued winds up paying wether they actually did anything worth being sued over or not..........and seeing a roach/waterbug in the South isn't anything new, regardless of how clean you keep things.

Personally I think we need to do the same thing with the majority of the lawyers out there that needs to be done to a cockroach.....squish them like the worthless vermin they are..........
Check this out
what's the saying. "only in America".
Should not be allowed to file such a frivilous claim.
One can assume the cockroach left the plane at the next stop.
Hadn't really thought about it that way, but your right. I don't think the roach would have wanted to lower itself enough to spend anymore time with these folks than it really had to....LOL
That could make a good movie. Coackroach's take over air plane and demand something. Roaches were just part of life in the barricks while I was stationed in the Philippines. These people should get a life. Stan
Well the whole idea is it's cheaper to settle than go to court because of the lawyer fees. Some day these companies will find that it would be cheaper to fight some of these cases to keep down these junk lawsuits.
Only in America is about right-- under English court rules a frivilous lawsuit can still be brought-- but the losing lawyer can be made to pay the winners legal costs. If the losing lawyer doesn"t pay in time- he is banned from court and a suit to recover goes after lawyers assets as well as clients. Does tend to stop the ambulance chasers and contingency suits- the judge gives the suing lawyer one chance at beginning to state basis of case and notes possible cost to the lawyer if he wants to continue suit that preliminary magistrate dismissed as not supported. US courts don"t have that except in some trademark cases. nnalert have proposed similar to English system rules in some states but Dem lawyers tend to argue against the income security of marginal lawsuit filings. Most of European courts work under Code Napolean rules instead of English based Common Law rules- some things in preliminaries not allowed and judges can dismiss as no specific basis in law. Oral arguments rare and juries rarer- 3 to 5 judges as tribunals/appeals are more common in higher cases if initial magistrates decision is appealled. Nearest analogy to American system is they start at about the first appeal step here with written arguments for judge to check at his time instead of circus with jurors threat. RN
reasons for high health care---lawsuits
reasons for excess regulation---lawsuits
high insurance premiums---lawsuits.
stupid tags that you can't remove from a mattress.---lawsuits
starting to see a pattern here
My lawyer at Dewee Cheatum and Howe said this would be a good lawsuit to make a lot of money for him on!!

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