Wife's idea about Public Servant Elections

H. M.

New User
Wife says she has a solution, see if you agree?

Since Government bids everything out, she proposes we do the same by:

(1) write specs and qualifications for elected officials

(2) solicit bids from qualified candidates

(3) Take THE LOWEST BID.....

Her logic is put "service" back into "public servant". People should not be a public official for the health care, retirement, free travel, authority, political and corporate contacts, limited work schedule, insider information. Be a PUBLIC SERVANT not a PUBLIC DRAIN.
I've got an even better, and simpler, idea, that would go a long way toward solving our problems: Term limits for everybody. Congress, President, legislatures, Governor, every public servant except the "skill" positions in county and state guvment like Auditor, Assessor, Sheriff, where laws aren't being passed and there's some advantage to experience in job performance.

As it is now, everybody is running for re-election, so everything they do is based on how they can look like their doing something without hurting re-election chances. Nobody can be a "statesman" and make the hard decisions that are needed, because it would be political suicide.

Oh, and outlaw paid lobbyists. If you feel strongly enough about something to contact your lawmaker on your own time, fine- But no more doing it for a living.
(quoted from post at 09:16:03 09/26/11) I've got an even better, and simpler, idea, that would go a long way toward solving our problems: Term limits for everybody. Congress, President, legislatures, Governor, every public servant except the "skill" positions in county and state guvment like Auditor, Assessor, Sheriff, where laws aren't being passed and there's some advantage to experience in job performance.

As it is now, everybody is running for re-election, so everything they do is based on how they can look like their doing something without hurting re-election chances. Nobody can be a "statesman" and make the hard decisions that are needed, because it would be political suicide.

Oh, and outlaw paid lobbyists. If you feel strongly enough about something to contact your lawmaker on your own time, fine- But no more doing it for a living.

yea but the other way we can write into the contract means of getting rid of em right now if they ain't follwing the terms of the contract, like not voting how the majority of the people want in thier area....ie party voting against the wishes of the people....don't have to wait for the next election cycle!

I'll go one further and say that public service positions should be COMPULSORY, like jury duty.

You get a letter in the mail: Congratulations, you've been selected by random to serve as our state's representative in the US Senate for the next six years. Please get your affairs in order and report to the Capitol Building in Washington DC on January 1st to be sworn in.

One and done. I bet it wouldn't be any worse than what we have now.
(quoted from post at 09:49:39 09/26/11) I'll go one further and say that public service positions should be COMPULSORY, like jury duty.

You get a letter in the mail: Congratulations, you've been selected by random to serve as our state's representative in the US Senate for the next six years. Please get your affairs in order and report to the Capitol Building in Washington DC on January 1st to be sworn in.

One and done. I bet it wouldn't be any worse than what we have now.

That would work even better.....just do a lottery thy thing! I like that!

Serving that way sure would screw up a lot of lives and families.

On a career fast track----oops, sorry, I have to go serve.

Just built up a nice select herd of registered cattle----oops, sell them, you have to go serve.

Just have owned and rented farm ground in balance for just the perfect size of operation---sorry, I can't rent that any more I have to go serve. You come back home and the ground is rented and the next closest available it 10 miles away and has been poorly maintained over the years.
With politicians spending millions to be elected do you really think that a contract with low bid would weed out the undesirables? Most would pay to serve.
For disputed elections or senatorial deadlocks-- bring back dueling, cold steel could be used in room with spectators, simple glass shield like at hockey games. Some civil court cases could also be quickly settled- if lawyers thought that judge would order them to draw blades after a 1/2 hour of argueing or pretrial settlement talks, might "cut down" court backlog. Think of live broadcast of a house debate over a bill and how polite and on track the speakers would be if sergeant at arms could say "Ethics violation implied, settle now with saber at desks". The term "cutting political remarks" could take on a different meaning than loudmouth stupidity-- which might lead to the actual "cut off " debate. Allow whatever in pocket to be used besides issued saber- Gov Perry would be able to get back to speaking fairly quick perhaps.
(General Teasing Alert! still in effect) RN
As a former appointed "public servant" all I can say is you have what you elected. If you vote for the sheriff canidate that is approved by AFSCME and Deputy's union don't be suprised when they are beholden to the employee's union. If you elect a county board member that is very opinionated and strong willed and doesn't listen to others don't be suprised when your county pays a fine for violating a state law. When you allow some one who can't count to 30 be the county adminstrator or a HR director that can't read and write at the 8th grade level don't be suprised when your taxes go up to pay the wrongful termination award.
1 term at a time, can serve 2 but not back to back...stop the people start campaigning for a 2nd term as soon as they take office............

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