33 on my thermometer, 10 miles North of LaCrosse
Wisconsin, in the Mississippi River Valley, this
morning, but no visible frost or frost damage.
I live 15 miles south east of LaCrosse and the lawn was white and the roof of the car was white. We had a good frost here.

Call Al Gore -I want my global warming back!!!!! Maybe we all need to buy big SUVs and drive them aroubd the clock to increase green house gases. I'm in Northern Wisconsin no frost but we're close to Green Bay (the water) so we usually frost a week or so after the first in the area. Gee and we had frost warnings the Friday before Memorial day, kind if shortens the growing season a mite.
25 miles south of La Crosse and we had a heavy frost too (in a valley). My thermometer said 30F at 6am. It warmed up to 33F by 7am, but I still almost missed getting my kids to the school bus because I couldn't find an ice scraper.
No frost in Tx, but a much welcomed 65 this morning. Everyone"s had more than enough of the 100+ weather. Now we if we could get some rain.
Light frost here in Mid-Michigan this morning. Just thick enough the windshield wipers wouldn't clear it.
Called home and asked my son about the frost in NW Iowa. He said there was a light frost that might have nipped the top bean leaves but he doesn't think there is any real crop loss. I'll bet the butternut squash are gonners as they are in low land but they were pretty well ripened a couple of weeks ago anyway. When I get home I can spray the thistles now that they've been nipped. Then the sprayer can be winterized. Two more jobs done! Jim

Lots of guys from the Coulee Region on here! I was born in La Crosse, grew up on a farm about 20 miles east.
Don't get much frost where I live now, by the SF Bay.
A 'good' frost here in n/w WI (Ladysmith). Not that we needed or wanted it yet. Anything that didn't get it last night will tonight...
I had 26° this morning at 5:00 AM. There was frost on everything. The leaves on the corn and beans really show that they were frozen.
Heavy frost down on the bottom here in south central Iowa. wife covered her beans and stuff last night, got up this morning, her dogs had pulled the blankets off and slept on them, smart dogs?
I use to work at LOCK 8 and have friends in DeSota, but I lived just North Of LaCrosse on the Minnesota side, nice country, but now in Colorado where the sun shines most of the time

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