Skunk in trap.


Today I was going to remove the loader from the 6610 and store it in the hay barn. Had a live trap set there for coons but this one was black with a white stripe down his back. He didn't smell yet so had heard if you covered them with a tarp they wouldn't skunk you. Got him covered and carried him to a nearby 300 gallon concrete stock tank submerging the whole thing. Success, he never sprayed even after being submerged. Joe
Ha I got a good one. Went trapping with a buddy one time and he had a skunk in his trap. His dad and his dads buddy were there and his dads bubby said just smack it on the back and break it's back and it won't spray. He had the foot trap spike diver with him and smacked on the back and it sprayed everywhere. Not a good idea. The bad part is he was up wind of the rest of the traps so we had to wade through stink to get to the rest of the traps
I"ve been hunting for over 35 years and will not take a shot unless its a good shot, as I hate wounding animals. Yet, what you did was even worse, drown a skunk because you"re afraid it might spray you? Hopefully, someone will treat you the same way as you did to the skunk and submerge you.
Had a skunk caught in a small storm drain a couple years ago, Lowered a milk crate on a rope, worked him into to it, gave him an elevator ride to ground level. He looked back once and walked away, peaceful as can be. There's no reason to kill a skunk....
A neighbor of mine caught one in his live trap (he was trying to catch the squirrels eating his pears). He didn't know how to dispose of the skunk without getting sprayed, so he just let it starve to death. Sick.
i see no problem in how it was handled, they are just big rabies carring rats with stink sacks, every skunk around here gets shot on spot no questions asked, and we still have them coming out our ears.
I've caught dozens of them in live traps. Shoot them in the heart and they don't spray. Yeah sure.
Last Christmas I opened a gift, a new fleece pullover long sleeve hoodie. Gorgeous, maroon with a touch of zipper at the neck. Tried it on and it was perfect.

Still had it on and decided to go for a ride on the 4 wheeler. Tags flowing in the wind away I went. Whoa, is that a skunk in the trap? No prob.
Got the .22 revolver out of the caddy, walked around to shoot the critter and got a huge blast with the wind. So much for the mew Land's End Hoodie. I got to wear it 3 minutes :(
Skunks are nasty, stinking varmints. They spray cats, dogs, and humans. We shoot them on sight.
I don't blame him at all for disposing of the critter, --it was invading His barn, apparently.

One time we shot one near the driveway, and the next night its sibling came out to eat its dead brother's carcass, so we shot him too! Enough said.
daddy had a dozer cleaning up around the end of a trench silo and he flushed out a skunk,cousin was there watching and he had had a few drinks before he came buy, put his dog after it, skunk let him have it with one barrel right in the face, dog wallowed around a couple seconds cousin put him after him again, he let go with the other barrel, dog got enough that time and ran off to the house,cousin laughed about it and left, daddy said he bet that would be a sick man in the morning when he stepped outside weak stomached from the drinking when that dog ran to meet him smelling of skunk juice
You sound like you're real proud of yourself. I, on the other hand, am not. If you feel you must kill one of Gods creatures, then kill it. But why make it suffer?
I use a syringe attatched to a 6 foot pole. Fill the syringe with rubbing alchohol and inject the skunk. They pass out first, and die of alchohol poisoning in just minutes...Haven't been sprayed yet!!
funny you posted this thread, my niece's boxer tangled with a striped kitty Monday night, had it in her mouth and it sprayed her, now she mopes around the house, won't eat, niece been giving her medicine hoping that she didn't get bit and have rabies...i would have done some of the things you all mentioned what you would/could have done.
Some of you are not going to like my answer, but in this area skunks are a major carrier of rabies, as well as the terrible odor, burrowing under the walk by your house, etc. I will get rid of them in anyway I can that prevents them from spraying, including drowning. Would the same people that complain about drowning a skunk object to a trap that drowns mice?
She won't eat because everything smells bad to her. We have boxers, but it can happen with any dog. The smell will wear off, and she will regain her appetite. Hopefully the dog has had it's rabies shots. I would take it to the vet.
I dislike all the little critters that cause mischief around the farm (coons, squirrels, woodchucks, etc), but skunks are the worst. Last year I shot 9 of them around the barn. The smell lingers for weeks and weeks its awful.

That is one critter I wish would go extinct.
I usually shoot them with a 22 when they are in the trap. Same with other vermin I catch there. Normally I get possums and coons. Havent had a skunk in a while.
Ive seen a farmer drown them, but I think the best way to do it without getting sprayed is to put the cage in a 50 gallon garbage bag (or similar) and put it up to your trucks exhaust. Goes to sleep, pretty painless.
(quoted from post at 18:22:52 08/18/11) Uh Oh ! Just wait till Dave 2 sees this --yer in for an ear whippin now !!

Nothing wrong with that as far as I'm concerned......I trapped muskrats as a kid and had my traps on wooden floats with a chunk of lead on the chain so as soon as they were caught, they'd fall off and drown instead of suffering with a clamp on the leg.

I had never been up close to a skunk and set a trap in a hollow under a tree with a chunk of meat inside with the idea of catching a coon when it reached in. Next morning I had a striped coon also. It was inside the hole with just it's head sticking out. Little tiny head was so cute that I figured it was a baby so reached down and pulled it out to take the trap off. Turned out to be the size of a baby saint bernard and gave me a good fumigation..
Knocked it in the head, put it in the bag and went on. Thinking all the time how pretty that skin would be........ To cut things short, I skinned it, tied the hide up in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer in the basement.
Whole neighborhood stunk, butter, bread, and everything opened in the kitchen tasted like skunk along with all the stuff that was in the freezer..
Needless to say, I wasn't the most popular guy in the house....
..or once in the garbage bag spray ether (startin fluid) in the bag and close it up. When it is unconcious do it in by what ever means you chose.
Ether isn't so good.
I used to work for an apartment management company and they were having a lot of problems with squirrels getting into attics.
I often was the one who was sent out to set/recover the traps. Once I tried the ether thing. Found a box just large enough for the trap to fit in and with the squirrel inside sprayed a bunch of ether into the box. I waited about 15 minutes for it to take effect and pulled the trap out. The squirres was still convulsing and twitching and started to wake up before I could get him back into the box.
It was rather gruesome and I would never do it that way again. After that I would just dump them trap and all into a 35 gal trash can full of water.
The mgmt company was run by a bunch of pansys and their answer to the squirrel problem was to catch and release them across the Mississippi river so they wouldn't come back again. I thought that was rather foolish to dump their problems onto someone else so I usually would drown the squirrels. My boss always asked me what I did with the squirrel and I would just tell him I brought it across the river.
I told him once that I took the squirrel across the River Styx but he didn't get it...
(Reply after drying my eyes from laughing so hard)

I could visualize all of that ! " Baby St Bernard"

LOLROFLMAO OOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhh (now my tummy hurts)

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