Time for some new tires

Bruce from Can.

Well-known Member
Was out happiely cutting hay, when I noticed the platform under my right foot was wet. After a few more revolutions of the tire it became all to plain to see where the wet was coming from. The inside wall of the rear right has a split in it about a half inch long. Headed for home , took off the haybine, and called the local tire shop.Both tires look tough, so might as well get them both changed. Gal on the phone told me $600,00 each , 16.9 30 . Now I hope my old Case730 lives long enough to wear them out, only has 12000 hrs on it so no problem eh! Service man is going to be here in about a hour so I can go back at it for a while before night milking. We have had a lot of rain and cool temps. and cloudy skies. Only wet wraped bales and chopped haylage is be put up in this neck of the woods. All corn and beans are in, and small grain is doing well on drained land.
Ya know, one thread awhile ago asked what to 'avoid' when buying a tractor- I said to avoid models with odd sized tires, 26, 30, 34 etc. If it wasn't your baby before, it is now eh?
Wasn't me said that size was rare, Ultradog did. I am saying you plunked down 1200 loonies, and tomorrow morning , if she throws a rod thru the block- you got decisions to make. I have 24 or 28 inch, all interchangeable at the hub, for the 7 fergies and masseys. The most I ever spent on a new tire these sizes was $220. Most people on this forum don't spend 1200 on a whole tractor, yeah, including me....
Wow, tire prices have sure gone up. Had exactly the same "wet shoes" experience a couple years ago, two new 14.9 28 radials on my 1194 Case ran me $360 each then. Hope they last a long time!
Ok Tony, now I get your point. I guess that is a risk, but I am willing to take that chance. For me to rent a tractor to due the work this old turd will do in a year would cost more then the tires will. Not trying to offened anyone on this site, but my old tractors have to work for their keep, not just collector units.If I could be a collector , I would try to get the whole Case 30 sieres 4-10. Really like these tractors good power, and fuel econemy. But weak brakes, always in need of adjusment. Life is always a compromise.
I don't know where in the great white north you are, but there is a set of 16? 30's, one new, one used, in "ludlow Mass' just listed on Craiglist right now. $475 for the pair. Bigger than a bread box tho... just off of US 90. But a good 7 hours from Niagara. I can't fwd it, western Mass craiglist, farm and garden- have a day trip and come get some spares...

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