O/T: Repo guys


Someone is trying to repo my ex-wife"s Jeep. She wrecked it, then quit paying for it. I talked to the bank this morning, was told there is still money owed but they aren"t the ones looking for it.

I haven"t been home when the guy stopped. This happened a couple times last summer and again recently. My dad spoke to him, as he lives next door and saw them in my driveway. I am not on the loan for the vehicle in question. My ex has not been at my address for two years. I would simply like to contact these folks and let them know that they are wasting their time watching my place. Any suggestions how to proceed?

Thank you,

Not too much you can do. If you could get the name of the repo company you could give them a call. However, if they want to waste their time sitting in front of your house, let them, as long as they aren"t bothering you, they could sit there for years waiting for her to show up. Chances are, they will give up after a couple of weeks, I doubt the recovery fees warrant spending too much time there.
If they are on your property (private property) they may be in for it depending on your state laws. (tresspass)
Next time I saw them out there I'd be calling the police just to see if they are ligit . just could be someone seeing what your habits are.

they should have papers on the repo.

The part that gets me is the fact the bank isn't claiming they have a contract for a pick up of that vehicle.
Better be careful confronting a Repo driver. Here in SC, it is illegal to interfere, in any way with them. A friend had one to hook up to his Black Ford P/U one night.. It was paid for... A big fuss ensued.. Driver had papers to get a White Chevy at a different address.. My friend nearly went to jail for using a gun to stop the driver from stealing his truck.. Many car thefts are done by Repo trucks, cars are shipped to the coast, put in containers and carried all over the world.
A guy that worked on the farm for me used my address to get a car loan at one of those buy here/pay here deals. He skipped town and the repo guys started to come on my place. I caught them walking around looking into my sheds and such. I blocked the driveway and called the sheriff. While he was coming I encouraged the two Repo guys to stay real still as my German Shepard eyed them. Also had a short talk about what I did while I was in the service. Kind of pointed out what "might" happen if I caught them on my place again. Sheriff arrested them for trespassing. I contacted the car lot. They started to give me a ration of poo. They changed their mind after my lawyer got through with them.

The next year I saw another wrecker pull into my place. He was looking for the car too. It seems that these car lots sell the old bad loans to collection agencies. They get pennies on the dollar but they find a few. The second guy was nice about it and even knocked at the door to ask some questions about the deal. He left. That was three years ago. I often wonder how long they will keep trying??? Also how many times does the bad debt get sold?
Apparently your exwife used your address on her loan application. If you want them to quit bothering you, you might help them out by locating the Jeep.
What is the FIRST thing people tell the repo guys?

"Oh it's not here. So and so moved away/We got a divorce..."

At least 51% of the time it's a LIE. They're just trying to throw the repo guys off the trail. Some of them can be pretty convincing, even resorting to calling the police, involving "lawyers," or Ol' Betsy the double-barrel 12ga.

So you gotta understand when a repo guy doesn't take your word for it.
Don't know the particlars of you and the x's relationship but if it's any thing like me and my x, if you will help them load the jeep they will give you a finder's fee. I loaned a repo guy a battery one time and dropped him off at the end of a drive way up the road. When he broght the battery back he gave me a $100 bill.

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