Asparagus ??

Jim in Ma.

Well-known Member
I have an old aspatagus bed that has goten overgrown with grass.
Could I spray it down with Roundup?
I can't seem to find any info on the lable.
Thanks Jim
The old timers around here put salt on the asparagus bed. That killed the grass but didn't hurt the asparagus plants.
If the asparagus is up I think you would kill it with roundup.
I found this on a site called Hortiscope included a link hope it works. Other than salt I don't use any chemicals on mine do have pull grass by hand occasionally.

Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service

Q: My asparagus has already emerged but I was told that I could still use princep on it. After reading your information, I'm thinking that perhaps I shouldn’t. I have purchased the princep but have not applied it. Can I use it or is there something else that you would recommend? (E-mail reference)

A: Once the asparagus spears have emerged, no herbicide is recommended. Herbicide applications should be made in early spring. If your weed population is too high, it may be necessary to dig and reset the crowns in a more weed-free environment. Some herbicides I found in my references for use on asparagus are 2,4-D, Dicamba, Glyphosphate, Linuron, Paraquat, Sethoxydim, Simazine, Terbacil, and Trifluralin.
I wouldn't ! Spread table salt very liberally around it. The Asparagus thrives in it, and the weeds hate it. We have harvested 3 times in the past 5 days. Froze 9 meal sized packs for the wife and me, about a quart each. We have also used garden boxes for the past 15 years. the box in the pic. is only 3 yrs old. We also strip the berries each fall and just spread them on top of the soil, thus all the fine uncut spires. They are 2 years old now. We planted mature root stalks when it was started. Just harvested before this post came up, so nothing harvestable in the pic. We cut it at 9"-14" high, and soon it will be growing that much in a days time. We have 38-lft. of 4' wide boxes, with asparargus.

Roundup will kill the asperagus, but if the shoots are still small enough you can cover them with a tin can or bucket (I nail a can onto the end of a stick) and then spray around the shoots. You still need to be careful not let the spray drift onto any of the uncovered shoots.
That is good information. We have a "patch" of asparagus that I can't find until the asparagus outgrows the weeds and grass at which point it's too late. I will go around with some salt and hopefully that works.
If you have chickens put them in to weed and fertilize it. They leave the asparagus alone til the weeds are gone. We always put them in as soon as the snow is gone and get them out when the asp starts to come up.
Asparagus farmers in Taiwan always cut it off below ground level when they harvest it. Maybe you could cut it and then spray the grass.
Roundup will kill everything.
"Grass-B-Gone" will kill grass, not Asparagus.
Salt, indeed works, as in prevoius post.
I put Roundup on my patch early,it takes a long time to work in the cool weather. I put horse manure under the crowns when I planted them and salt over the crowns but it didnt kill the grass,I till between the rows,but thats getting harder to do,the new shoots wander all over the rows,getting to wide to till

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