Bushings on backhoe - pressed or welded

need to repair badly worn bushing on the dipper pivot of my old Wain-Roy, is the factory bushing welded in or just pressed in?

if pressed in I plan to sawzall it into sections, take it out in chunks then make new one on lathe

if welded that is a bigger job, 1.5 inch pins = expensive drills
The bushings on my Ford were pressed and mushroomed with age. They were also hardened and turned any saw I used into junk in seconds. Had to use a torch and sledge hammer. Damn near killed me getting them out. I'm guessing any bushing soft enough to machine may be too soft for service.

If it's pressed in ,just take your welder and run a bead around the inside diameter,it will shrink it, and it should come out easy
if you can cut that bushing with a sawzall i want some of them blades. very very hard weld them or cut with a hot wrench and pound out

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