550 Clutch Safety Switch

Hey again folks!

I'm looking for some photos or a good description of the safety switch setup. Looking at my 550, I appear to have the switch, but, it's probably been defeated as I don't see any way it could be actuated.

Looking at the parts book, it appears there should be a rod (101881A) that must come up off the clutch pedal pivot somewhere that would depress the switch? I've attached a couple photos.. I'm having trouble seeing how that would run and then be actuated by the clutch because it looks like there isn't a straight path from the clutch linkage to that button. if I had to guess--is that hole near the end of the clutch pivot (just by where the PS lines go past in the photo) where this should go?

HNY folks,



I dont have a picture on hand to send but the rod has a bend in it so it will fit in there and line up.
My tractor never had the rod, but I have considered making one. My switch is also bypassed. Your switch should have a little plunger on it that pushes in. In my photo the small bolt holds the plunger in, the switch still functions if I remove the bolt. I think the small bracket with the bolt in it, is where the rod goes, then the other end of the rod must hook to the clutch pivot mechanism.


Awesome. Thank you! I haven't pulled the instrument cluster on mine, but, I need to replace the key, light, and fuel/temp gauge. I suspect mine is disconnected and that is what I will find when I have the dash apart. Wife or daughter may drive this one.. so want to get that switch sorted out before summer.
I don't believe it threads in but I think the lower end is held on by a pin. I would have to drive out and have a look at mine to be sure.

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