570 cockshutt oil filter

Just purchased a cockshutt 570 gas standard with the big wheatland fenders. It has no PTO ,hydraulics or of course 3
PT. It does have power steering. Getting ready to change engine oil but can't find the oil filter. The book shows
one just in front of the distributor. There is a plate there. Anyone have any comments? Very surprised they would
put one out this way.

ALL COCKSHUTT 570/570D/570SUPER D TRACTORS use the same TALL oil cartridge inside a can. The gas engine uses a different location, can, and mount bracket than the diesel tractors on the same side of the engine.

Later Hercules engines used a SPIN-ON oil filter.

Phil Heisey

Yes, I think it should be ahead of the distributor on the left side of the engine. You're saying someone deleted the filter and just put a bypass plate of some sort, or did someone else need the filter base for another engine and just put a plate on for engine protection from the elements?
It's a very basic tractor. Jockey who had it a couple of years ago said he thought it came from western Canada. I'm
just assuming it never had a filter, It's a nice clean pretty straight tractor with very little rust.

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