super 55 pto


Where can I get a spanner nut tool to remove the nut holding the pto spider to the shaft on a 1955 super 55? Thanks Wayne
I made one for my 550. A piece of pipe with key stock welded onto it and a short extension welded in the other end.
I bought a wheel or hub socket at napa or similar places. Think it had a center pin which I just cut out, worked like a champ and was cheap.
I have one coming from Maple Springs Farm. It leaked like a sieve. Any thing I should look for replacing seals and o rings? Thanks Wayne
Yes, there is two allen screws holding the clutch pack. The short one is to lock the longer one. Hard to get to slide off with removing just one. Don't ask how I know.
Hope you have better luck than I did. I have had mine apart twice and a shop has had it apart once. I still have oil coming out the pto shaft.
I hope so too. Mine has been leaking for 50years but has gotten much worse in the last 2years. I have got time now and some help so I am going to try and fix it.

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