OT: Where were you?

4th or 5th grade in a one room country school.
Phone rang - it Never rang during school hours. Teacher Mrs Gustafson answered it and got the news from one of the local mothers. She started to sob and we all new something was wrong.
In school, 3rd grade, New Shrewsbury NJ. I have a 75MM cannon shell that was fired at the 50 gun salute at Ft Monmouth NJ for President Kennedy after he was shot. Ft Monmouth was the home of the signal school at the time. Dad was of to high a rank to be told to be there to service/repair the cannons should something go wrong but was the only guy on post qualified to do it. When they ask him he of course said yes. The commanding general made sure he got one of the shell casings.
young, but i rember watching tv when they interupted the show to announce the president had been shot, in fact i still have that days evening paper with the announcement in it
Lunch/recess 4th grade. Came in to a radio playing in class. Never happened before or after. Teacher came in from crying to tell us and let us listen to the radio for a while...seemed like the rest of the day.
USAF Horse pittle coming outta surgery on my private parts. Couldn't understand why the Nurses were upset 'cuz a prisoner been shot. Had to stand bowlegged in Mass Formation that Saturday ......Dell
Queen Elizabeth high school, Surrey BC Canada.

Everything closed down that day , including the Friday night wrestling matches, I usually attended.

1949 8N146710
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4th grade, Mae Smythe Elementary School, Pasadena,TX. Principal came over the PA system and told all teachers to come to the office which was very unusual- leaving kids in classroom unattended. Teachers returned, principal came back on PA and announced JFK's death.
After school went home and loaded up my dad's old pickup with him, myself and both brothers to go deer hunting. Guns in rack in rear window. Driving across Houston there was a paper boy on every street corner selling special edition. I distinctly remember asking my dad if the cops might think we did it since we had guns in the window of the truck.
5th grade, Mrs Withrow came in crying and school was let out early. Only had channel 3 (CBS) and Walter Cronkite was on TV for the next 3 days. I can still remember it just like it was yesterday. I remember hoping they would announce he was still alive.
I was home ill from school and working on a 4H electrical project.

I first knew that something had happened when my two brothers arrived home from school unexpectdly about 90 minutes early.

4th grade - Hampton, Florida. I thought it was strange that the school buses came about 2 hours early that day to take the children home and then the principal came around to all the rooms and announced that he had been shot.
5th period study hall, 9th grade, Brookland Jr HS, Richmond VA. 6th period was wood shop; the teacher put a TV on one of the workbenches & all we did was stare at it.
Holy crap Mutt, look at the responses!
Can you believe the impact that event had on our lives? Not just in your country, but in Canada and throughout the world?
I was in 6th grade geography class in Toronto.
My teacher's name was Mr. Lalonde. He was also our gym teacher. A real jock. We were all kinda in shock and I remember how emotional my teacher was. At 11 years old, it's harder to grasp the big picture I guess. I remember thinking to myself, why would somebody do that to such a nice guy.
Most vivid memory...when I got home from school.
My Dad was already home. First(and I think the only time) that I saw my Dad with a tear in his eye.
Washing my car "A 64 GTO" at Russel Creek Gulf
service station. in Huntington WV when my sister
came in and told me.
Sixth grade. Teacher told us JFK was shot but she didn't know anything else beyond that. My sis was watching the live news report when Oswald was shot. Jim
7th grade, Garner Jr. High (near Raleigh, NC). All classes went to the auditorium to watch CBS and Walter Cronkite..., same as we did for manned space launches from (then) Cape Caneveral. Later named Cape Kennedy. Sunday morning I was watching live at home when Ruby shot Oswald.
8th grader, Tenino Jr. High, Tenino, Washington. Was home sick from school- came down from bed about 11 AM, turned on TV- Walter Cronkite came on soon after, and made the announcement.
Bermuda..walking home from school when my little sister came running up to me and told me..Remember it to this day being a military brat.
Was at Fort Jackson,South Carolina finishing up basic training.That day we were coming back in a single line and the instructors had just instructed us on passing information back along the line and its accuracy when it got to the rear.When the guy in front of me said that President Kennedy had been shot and killed,I thought "what a thing to say".I didn't know whether to believe it or not.
Sitting on the flight-line of Seymour Johnson AFB waiting to have my clothes and tools counted during and ORI. Sonebody came by and said the ORI was cancelled and to report back to the shop.
The wing was put 'on alert' for the weekend but cancelled later in the evening but most of us didn't get the word so we spent the whole weekend on base. Good thing the movies were a dime. Saturday night some of us were selected to report to prepare for the 'flyby.' The peons' arrived but the NCO's with the shop keys didn't. The Commander gets shot and whole command gets lost in the dark.
Someday I'll dis-cuss our deployment to Southeast Asia.
Just starting the third week of my tour of duty in Korea. Just woke up and heard it on somebody's radio on the next bunk.

Waiting for 2nd period to start (Religion Class) in my sophmore year. Catholic school, Catholic president; Huge shock.
USAF Amarillo AFB TX. Spent at least 2-1/2 days on Red Alert mostly confined to a hangar because of the shooting plus it was going into a weekend so the Brass in DC that were needed to cancel the by then useless Red Alert were no where to be found.
Lived in Seattle, WA. About 3 1/2 years old. Terrible saddnes is what I'm sure I remember.NOt sure if it's memory but I think I remember little john john saluting the funeral procession.
Deer Hunting with my Dad and Brother in Rusk County, WI....

Came in from the woods that evening and heard it on the news at the Bar/Restaurant where we were staying in Ingram, WI.

I was in a classroom in Dallas Texas,in 6th grade,everybody crying. I wondered why because everybody said he was a commy,but he was president,soooo cry on.---lha
Posted by Pete(Fl) on May 14, 2010 at 21:08:54 from (
In Reply to: OT: Where were you? posted by Mutt in CO on May 14, 2010 at 19:19:11:
Was being born the day he died!

Me too. My mom said she was in her own little world that day.
I was in Study Hall - 7th grade. Lancaster, PA

I still remember that day. We all heard rumors just after lunch. We got the announcement about an 2 hours later.

What a day!
5th grade, wondering why all the girls were crying at recess or lunch,, dont remember which, but they were walking around crying and hanging on to each other. It was very weird till we got back into class and the teacher told us what happened.

At first I thought the russians were attacking.. as we were having all the bomb drills and remember thinking how I would have to start fighting these russian guys and how long it would take for them to get to our little country town. I was looking for rocks to pick up and put in my pocket.. Amazing what a 10/11 year old thinks up. After the teacher told us, I went up to the garbage can, and emptied my pockets. Remember "Better dead than red" and "Kill a commie for mommie". Then there was "Duck and Cover" and keeping all the extra food in the closet.
In 6th grade at Johnson Elementry School Milford, Mi. After lunch techer told us how the line of succession worked and then anounched JFK was dead.
I was on my way to lunch at Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona. In my car. Long way between work site and quarters. Listened and watched the whole thing unfold over the next few days. Watched as Lee Harvey Oswald was gunned down. Let's see...who wanted to be president more than anything in the world? Would have sold his sole? Only couldn't be with Jack and Bobby standing in the way. Was told when Kennedy's courtesy call came offering him the vice-presidency that the job would be "a heart beat away from the presidency"? And...where was Kennedy killed? Oh, yes, I remember. Texas. Too bad everyone who knew anything about it died so soon afterward.
Two years out of High School, working on home farm- Dad was disabled. Just finished dinner, listening to WCCO radio- MPLS at 12:45. Watched Ruby shoot Oswald Sunday morning on live TV.
In a Safeway grocery store with my mom. I had broken my leg breaking a young filly as a Sophmore in high school and couldn't go to school. They announced it over the loud speaker. Last good nnalert we've had.

Was delivering (driving)a 851 Ford tractor with industrial loader from the dealership to the next town lumber yard. The local rural mail man stopped me and told me. Was the second death that day. A local gal rolled a car on hereself on rainy slick highway. She had three little kids. Never will forget THAT day.
Was delivering (driving)a 851 Ford tractor with industrial loader from the dealership to the next town lumber yard. The local rural mail man stopped me and told me. Was the second death that day. A local gal rolled a car on hereself on rainy slick highway. She had three little kids. Never will forget THAT day.
Well, if he wanted it so bad why didn't he run for a reelection? Or did he "shoot himself in the foot" to get there? After 47 yrs the only theory that stands is the Oswald lone trigger man "theory".
After the 1966 mid-term Congressional elections, his re-election bid for the 1968 presidential election collapsed as a result of the turmoil within the nnalert party related to the Viet Nam war. He withdrew from the race after a much worse than expected showing in the New Hampshire primary. He wouldn't win and he knew it.
Just walked into the engineering office at work and heard it on the
radio - everyone was shook up and broke out in tears when they
finally announced he had been killed. Few days later, watched Ruby
shoot Oswald on live TV right in front of the sheriff.
Underwater in the far north Atlantic. Submarine patrol on the USS Robert E Lee, SSBN 601. Pretty scary to just get tid-bits of info and wondering what was happening in the "real" world.
I agree completely. Check into the association between LBJ, the Parr family of South Texas, the Dallas underworld and the Dallas police.
Between classes In College, Sam Houstone State Univ ,in Huntsville, TX. When I got to my part time job at the grocery store, they began closing in Respect.

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