Minneapolis Moline U Power Steering


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Hello all,

I have a 1951 Minne Mo U, it has factory power steering. I recently noticed the power steering fluid reservoir is cracked. I d like to weld the crack to repair but I m not sure what the reservoir casting material is: iron, steel, etc. I m wondering if anyone can help me find out what the material is?

MM first power steering came out with the UB Special in 1955 and U Special in 56 when front bolster was changed. Charlyn and Behlin made some add on ones.
Picture would help.
I don't know which system you have??? Most Behlem and Yetter used the original factory main pump, The Char-Lynn used the same pump found on. GM vehicle. But they made the pump bracket to mount on MM 206 and 336 engines. And run with a belt off of the fan with a special pulley. I only have complete set ups no individual parts. You originally said your reservoir was cracked if it is GM go to a salvage yard and pick one up. If is run off the factory system and you are talking about the cast hydraulic box under the gas tank, I have those. A picture of what you have and what you need would help immensely.

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