Farmall H interference engine?

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Are the engines in Farmall H's interference engines (valves/pistons can hit if timing is off)? Or is that even possible on these engines?

Mine was rolling over, but wouldn't start tonight. After trying to start it a couple times (I have a bad spot in the flywheel, so went to the front of the tractor to move the engine slightly with the hand crank, but when I try to crank by hand, it's hung up tight.) Haven't hit starter again, thinking that could be bad. Pulled all 4 spark plugs and still won't budge.
I think your problem is the starter is stuck in the engaged position, that can happen with a bad spot on the ring gear. Unbolt the starter to get it unstuck or try rocking the tractor back and forth in 5th gear to see if that will pop it loose.
Pull the starter bolts and slide the starter out. If you can roll it over the starter was bound up. I had one that did it about every 6 months. It was like Chinese water torture waiting for it to happen - I replaced the starter this last fall.
I agree with the others - the starter pinion's jammed into the ring gear and has locked the engine. It's a common problem for H engines with a worn ring gear and/or starter pinion.

Incidentally the H engine is NOT an interference engine....there is no overlap between valve and piston motion.
The solution (if the issue persists) is to replace the starter drive with a new cushion style. Much smaller spring. Much better an can mask a worn flywheel to a degree.
valves can"t hit pistons in early IH engines , unless they are upgraded to pop up pistons ( M&W , crater fire ect..) and as long as the valve safty clips are still on the valves , if the valve would drop it wont hit & cause damage either
hi, I had an air compressor with a IH engine. I used to rent it out for people to blow irrigation lines in the fall. The starter switch stuck in start position and the fellow didn't notice (I don't know how) and it just chewed the ring gear and bendix gear to rat@#$ so I had to replace everything. Big work!!!. When I noticed the switch stuck, I took it out and found a little hole for lub. It seems ok but I replaced it anyway. Just some memory. Ed Will

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