fall m project part 2; redneck paint booth pics

all you need is some old dog pen fence, plastic drop cloth (I still have to get that), and some decent weather. I got the break seals in carb rebuilt some other odds and ends taken care of, now its prep time. I think the weather is gonna close in on me before I get it painted this fall but that"s ok I can cover it till spring if I have to.
Don"t let weather stop you. I"ve painted wheels / fenders / gas tanks / rims in plastic tarps, in sheds or the back of my old pick-up, with space heaters inside and spitting snow outside.
heh - every time we get weather suitable to put on paint, I'm using the tractor. Come to think of it, I use it too often to prep and paint even when the weather isn't suitable.

And if mine looked anywhere as good as yours, the paint job would be put off for another 20 years of use and weathering first.

Good thinking on the 'paint booth' though. :)
Interesting. I have been planning on the next tractor I paint to buy one of those cheap tarp garages. This would keep the mess out of the main shed and would be good enough. Wet the floor down to control dust and on a day with little to no wind, have at it. Would likely turn out better than in the shed anyway that is harder to get clean to start with.
Your's is about like mine. I can identify. The only problem I've had is the doggone wind, and few nats flying around.

Best regards
Stop! you won't like the results. Tell us why you wanna do this so badly--- you won't be adding value to the tractor sooooo???
I'm not worried about adding value, painted or not its worth about the same. It was time to attend to some maintenance issues ; some seals to replace,carb work, new lights, wireing needs replaced. Best I can tell its had 3 paint jobs in its life so 1 more isn't gonna hurt, figured since I'm already working on might as well make it look decent. I've always painted tractors outside with good results so I have no reason to think this would be any different
I wouldn't worry about painting it outside, but I would worry about the air and surface temp not being warm enough for the paint to work properly.

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