Flushing a radiator on my Cub

The radiator on my Cub is bone dry. The tractor sat for 10 years before I bought it. Man I bought it from had no knowledge if it leaked or if it just dried up. It is sill mounted on tractor....I am looking for suggestions to text for leaks and to flush....

Any solutions recommended?
Do I will with water first time?
Should I take it off the tractor before doing anything?

The battle plan is to see if I can start and run the tractor (step one). If I start it (waiting parts) I will run for a short time (like minutes) and then diseseemble, clean, paint and rebuild. With that being the plan, I will want a filled radiator on the tractor for step one. However, I want to make sure I am not doing anything wrong by filling the tractor as it is mounted. Suggestions?
Sat for 10 years that could be as simple as a bad hose or a freeze plug. I would pour water in but first check that the oil pan was not over full and if over full slowly open the drain plug just till you start getting something to drip out of it and watch for what color it is
That is what I thought...just wanted to check. The pan appears to be very clean. I am assuming that after 10 years, the fluid in the radiator leaked or evaporated, but scared to think what form in there over time.
After you find out if it has a leak or not drain it and fill with vinegar and let it sit a day or so. The vinegar will clean out rust and lime
Update - I went to pour water in and after a quart or two, it overflowed!!! Evidently, it was not bone dry....which is good, cause it means no leak....at least below the point of where it was dry. Anyway, I cracked to drain and emptied contents. Liquid was rusty brown with some minor sediments....but not horrific. I tightened drain and filled it back up with fresh water. I will wait to see if any leaks or changes to oil in pan, drain and tehn do the vinegar flush. Any suggestions?
Well if it runs the vinegar flush works best if you can get it up to op temp and run it for say 30-60 minute shut it let it cool and then drain then rig up a hose to back flush it by way of the block drain
as old recommended, run tractor for 30 min. or longer, at low idle, for first run. put about 1/2 teaspoon of motor oil into each cylinder before start up. crank engine over a few times before trying to start.
I would go as far as taking Cascade dish washing detergent and running it through the radiator a couple of times even after you do the vinegar treatment. Do it to you see it running clean.
I have been flushed it all day (not with hose, but filling radiator letting it soak and drain). Water is starting to look cleaner. There still is sludge in water. I will do vinegar when i rig here up and try to start her. Need to order some parts first.

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