Farmall 560 Diesel (pics)

Paul Gi.

Couple of pics of my Dads 560. We overhauled the motor and TA and a fresh coat of paint.

You should have put a warning on the title That shiny paint could have blinded someone! Looks great nice job thanks for sharing we never get tired of looking at pics old or new.
Paul I followed your progress. That has to be one of the most maticulous restorations I have ever seen. Job well done!
i dont care what other guys say, but those have to be one of the nicest looking tractors with that paint scheme, and the wide front.
Paul Gi. You and your dad have done a wonderful job. Very, very nice! And I agree with rustred "...those have to be one of the nicest looking tractors with that paint scheme" I gots me four of the 40/60 series and toys to match in the house.

I used to take a lot of pictures and learned that if you photograph a building - in this instance a tractor, and position yourself so the picture shows two sides of same; you give a second dimension to the subject, even though a photograph is one-dimensional.

Peeking at the John Deere G and the Farmall 400 photos, seeing the front - grill, four wheels, etc. really makes for a more interesting subject.

Now I am not saying the 560 isn't interesting, but would you do me a favor; on an overcast day and keeping utility polls and such (obstructions) out of the background, pose the Farmall 560 and post on here for us red lovers. Thanks in advance.
Beautiful tractor even though I was never happy running my uncle's two that he had...still "hung up" on the Super MTA he had had before I guess. Question...are the lights supposed to be black?...Seems like they were either red or white on my uncle's.

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