Dating a 10-20


A YouTube website shows a complete restoration of a "1925 10-20." I believe there are several features that make it a later model (it has the enclosed governor controls, an oil filter, an oil-bath air cleaner, among possibly a couple of other later features). I don"t have any data--just my memories of a "26 I used to use (open governor rods) and a "29 I spent years on (no oil filter, but enclosed governor controls). Short of investigating serial numbers, can anybody out there tell us of features that distinguish different years? I know for a fact that there were somewhat different manifolds used, with probably at least three differences in where the exhaust exited (under the tank on our "29, but through the hood with one or two outlets in others).
Len, I was told oil filters were added in 29" I don"t have a date. Yes exhaust exit in front of fire wall or behind fire wall. I don"t have the date on that either. There has been so many parts changed over the years you can"t tell from just looking. you need casting codes and crawl under belly to see what is cast for tractor date and serial #. need alot of info to be sure.
Splined axle, Tapered roller bearing front wheels, absence of round governor, single disc clutch, oil filter, Everything about it screams 29 or later but as was said, parts can be mixed and matched. The man did a wonderful job of restoration and is to be congratulated what ever year it is.
Helpful answers, and thanks. Don't really need to a kid, I would try to absorb these kinds of details. But that was a LONG time ago. Haven't driven the '29 10-20 since (gasp!) 1951, the year my father bought an H to replace the old castiron wonder. I couldn't wait to drive the tractors, so I just got on the things and drove them. Nobody had the nerve (or maybe didn't care enough) to stop me. Was plowing with the 10-20 and a 2-14" Little Wonder when I was 10. Expect today OHSA would be all over a farmer who let a runt like me drive such a beast alone all day in a field. Well, I was in heaven, and I can still remember the sounds, the steering feel, and especially, the ride (brutal on a gravel road).

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