which plow? autoreset, high clearance plow, rollover ?


Well-known Member
Massey Ferguson 2705.
40 acres of corn soybean rotation. May even try winter wheat and possibly sunflowers. Would like primary tillage on the 40 acres to be accomplished in a 2 day period. I have read previous posts about matching HorsePower to a plow. forum article is here: >>> ytmag.com/cgi-bin/viewit.cgi?bd=implment&th=133055%3E

Has me thinking the Massey Ferguson 2705 is a 4 x 16 plow tractor and that the 40 acres could be plowed in 16.5 hours. I am thinking a rollover plow would be good so I don't have to turn headlands. But I hear the term auto-reset and highclearance. There are 4 terraces on the field. The field is more or less square. What plow choice or size makes sense? Much appreciated. Also, do people follow plowing in the spring with field cultivating vs discs?
I used an auto-reset IH 710 3x16 plow for several years behind an Oliver 1800D. I loved using that plow! Auto - reset means when you hit an obstacle or rock the bottom will trip backwards and go over it, you never stop or slow down and dont have to back up or do anything. The springs pull the bottom right back into the ground and away you go ! Very handy. You can recognise the IH models by the large white or black tubes sticking up which house the springs. Makes a cool and loud "clack" sound when it pulls back in. White made one too, and probably others.
Well for me i like a semi mount plow and spring resets are nice when ya raise more rocks then crops. But i have gotten along with a trip plow for years. But two years ago we changed tillage methods and only use the moldboard plow to turn under sod . we have gone to deep tillage for the corn beans and barley and only till once every three years as we do no till mostly now. We are sold on the deep till as this year with the drought our corn is holding up better due to the looser soil where the corn roots can go deeper then they could when usen the moldboard plow. Different plows in different areas are all in what someone wants. From what i have learned in my area is i can pull one more bottom with a semi mount the i can pull with a mounted plow .
IH 642,140;MF 57/570;JD4200,8350,835;White 6342.these are all good plows,with good parts availability .Autoreset is nice,but not nessary-very expencive.Spring-trip or shearbolt will provide protection.Hi clearnnce just means more room for trash flow .IH 140 os the tallest.If you dont plow down cornstalks you wont need a HC plow.I run an IH#642(4X16) springtrip behind a 1256.
Is 4 bottoms a good match for 110 HP tractor? Does one type of plow vs another allow to set it deeper? My thinking is that the Massey 2705 should easily handle a 4 bottom, allowing a person to set the plow deep. How many bottoms maximum I can pull is not as important as how deep I can plow and condition the field better.

You "need" this plow. I'm gonna find an 18" 5-bottom, on-land...........so's I can get 'er done in "2 days". Will let this one go cheap. :>)


Looks like a good rollover plow you got there, what manufacturer? Rare to see coulters on a rollover, though from what I know coulters always help cutting through trash. What is a crusher hitch?
I'd say look at what other farmers are using in your area. Do you have rocks buried in you soil? If you don't there is no need for a trip bottom plow of any kind, auto-reset or otherwise. How deep do they normally plow in your area? Do you plan to disk and/or chop your stalks (or bale them off) before plowing? If you do, a hi-clearance is not as nessesary.
Lots to consider here and no one answer is right for every situation. Dad disked his stalks in the fall, after pasturing them for a while, so they would rot over the winter and then plow in the spring... he did not need a hi-clear plow.

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