two row belly mount corn planter

i was given this planter by an old farmer it"s all there except for the brackets for the lift cylinders any ideals where i can find them i could build them but would rather have the the right ones im not sure of the model there is no tags he had it mounted on an H

Rich, I believe it to be #220 planter.
Should be round pipe brackets at front to mount on C or H&M. Rods to lift on a C or SC
Hydro lift bracket for H&M. You will have to look had to find parts. I was luck enought to find a complete one with all brackets to mount on my C.
thanks oldiron that helps i was going to go back and see the guy i got it from to see if he would let me look in his shop he still has the H he used it so i would bet the brackets are still around
That is a genuinely fun planter to use. My son was planting sweet corn when he was 8. I don't think there's a more pleasant tractor to drive in that age bracket. Only down-side is two 6.00-9 tires cost more than the planter did new.
Old Iron, i recently purchased a set of these planters. It is all there, but partially disassembled. If you have pictures on hand, i would love to see them to know the color scheme and where things go.
Frankly, it's pretty rare that you found that much of the planter intact. Most of this mounted stuff ended up as scrap when more modern pull-type planters came along.

Your best bet is going back and looking for the brackets, which are hopefully still on the tractor. Beyond that you really don't have much realistic hope of finding a set. Stranger things have happened, but spring's a-coming so you might want to consider fabricating something.

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