Dear Lord, Am I done yet???


Finished my last 30 acres of plowing,,,, I hope. You never know when the phone will ring and someone wants his place plowed. They have no idea what they are going to plant, but they want you to plow it. I have about 300 for myself and about that much or slightly more for customers. Now if I could just have a good year where the money I make doesn"t go right back into repairs.

Someone was saying that they couldn"t believe how deep we had to plow here to get under the clay or adobe as we call it here in New Mexico. I am posting some pictures I took today in the last field.

If you read this DeltaRed, you can attest to what we out here have to deal with. LarryT


Larry we're still frozen solid,how long you guys been in the field?Or do you guys not freeze?How do you keep that '12'from shredding that little Massey plow?
That massy is an 18" 3 bottom. It has sheer bolts but I havent broken any. The plow pulls so nice. I drop it into 3 low and it follows me where ever I go. Cut through a 8" root along the side of that field I was in. The 1206 kind of dug in and then lurched and we went on our way. We havent frozen yet. Last year we were frozen the end of November, This weather is just so unpredictable down here
Farming in Indiana was tough enough. Always amazing how you guys can farm in those dry climates and clay dirt. Stay safe.
Hey, that looks soft compared to what we had east of Roswell. Caliche is a dog!

Also nice photos to show the boys back east that in some places a JD730 or Super M can't pull a 4X16", but rather a 2X16".
The only reason it looks soft is because of the rain and snow we have recently had. If I had tried any earlier it would have been so slick it would have been like trying to plow rubber with the tires in grease buckets, If had let it go any longer, it would be coming up in chunks the size of 30 gallon drums. Also that plow is a 18 inch not a 16 and when you bury three bottoms that deep, you know you"ve tied onto something. By the way, How are things down there? I heard this last storm really laid a lot on you all. We are still over 6" behind up here.
I was the disbeliever.....I thought you were kidding about going that deep.

Wow, that is deep; simply amazing. I never would have thought it possible. I guess I have been spoiled by only having to go down a few inches!!

That must take a bit of fuel to do 300 acres.

Thanks for the pictures; I certainly believe you now!

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