Looking for opinions on a Farmall 460


New User
Hello all,

I"m new here and was hoping to get a few opinions on a Farmall 460 I found. I don"t know much about Farmall tractors so, I was wondering if they had inherent/ common problems to look for or if this tractor is a pos. Currently, I have a compact kubota w/4" bush hog and finish mower. The large belly mower is what interests me in this machine because I have about 5 acres to mow. This machine would double my cutting capacity and have the power to cut a faster than a 15hp kubota. No 3 point isn"t a big deal all I would use it for is mowing. http://batonrouge.craigslist.org/grd/2700791559.html

Thanks in advance, Landon
I would be a little suspicious of any tractor like that with a big belly mount mower. Chances are it's a state, county or park mower and has had the crap run out of it.
That said, Dad's last tractor was a 460 gas Farmall and as far as I know, he had little to no trouble with it. He bought it used with few hours on it and used it for most everything on a small farm for several years. One of my nephews has it now and the same goes for him, but all he uses it for is mowing a few acres and blading snow off his driveway.
I would go for a tractor with 3pt and a 3pt mower,we had a 460 gas when I was younger and they arent that great of a tractor.
The tractor is sufficient by a factor of 2 for the job. If the price is in the 2000 or less range, and the tires are Ok for your use, do it.
I would run the tractor for 4 hours to assess its fundamental soundness befor purchase. Jim
Are you kidding? No self-respecting seller is going to let you run the tractor for FOUR HOURS!

But, $2795 is too much for that tractor. Even in the picture, the tires look dry rotted. They hold air but they won't hold up with any real work.

The tractor is missing some sheet metal too.

The rear wheels are off an H. Only 6 holes. The correct wheels should have 8 holes.
I didn't look at the picture or ad before posting before.... RUN, don't walk, away it for that price.
I have a Farmall 504 row crop with that same mounted Danuser mower. It mows tall grass well, but it doesn't mow short grass particularly well because it has no gauge wheels on the mower deck. The Farmall 460 should provide plenty of power for the deck.
A Lowboy would be a better choice for your needs and they tend to sell in the same $2K price range.

Thanks for all the great opinions and information! I may go take a look at the tractor tomorrow to get a first hand look at its condition and see if he"ll come down on the price.

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