This is what its like to live in Canada


Finished splitting and piling next years firewood yesterday. First pic is firewood for my home and my Dad's home. Second pic is for my shop for next year.Its all white maple and rock maple. We also blocked and split the BIL's firewood also. Kent


I like your idea of stacking on pallets, as it makes it easy to store remotely, then move as needed. Sure wish I had this years wood cut, but not the case. As much as I try to stock pile early, I usually end up way short, and playing catch up - especially later in the season.
No snow yet that stays. We have had a really nice fall. 20 cord for the two houses, and 2 1/2 cord for the shop. Kent
To COLD for beer in the winter. We switch to Capt. Morgan for the cold months, helps keep everything warm. LOL
Too cold for beer? Not the way I remember it. Grew up in northern North Dakota, went to college in Fargo. In college I had a buddy from Fairbanks, and down the street a bit lived one of the football players, a feller from Alabama. One fine winter day, Fairbanks and I were standing outside drinkin' beer, it was sunny, but the temperature was about 15 below. Alabama comes walking by all bundled up. I says Hi to him, ask him if he'd like a beer. He says no, allows as how it's too cold for beer. I look at the bottle in my hand, and notice it has a coating of ice on the inside. I says "no it ain't, it's just right. Don't have to worry about drinkin' it before it gets warm. Alabama says we must be nuts, and heads on home.
I have enough wood to get me through sometime in the spring I think. Got a bit more cut and stacked in the woods ready to haul out but then we had to get 8" of wet snow which makes it tough to get back in the woods when the ground isn't froze underneath.
(quoted from post at 14:54:19 11/21/11) Here's what you need to get through all that wood a little quicker. As long as you don't mind losing a body part every now and then.
I can just about guarantee that thing will send him to the emergency room sometime if he doesn't get a remote way of inserting the logs
I built a 3 point splitter years ago to use on my S-55 Oliver, but I think I must have given it away when I sold that tractor. Now I have the 240U with auxillary valves and could use it again. I'm not real sure what I did with it.
As he was loading the piece right at 3:00, it looked to me like he came pretty close to taking off his right hand. He was lucky when the angle iron broke off, that it lost the one from the far side. If the other one had come loose, it would have gone straight towards him. Turned out he didn't ultimately main himself after all (at least with this machine). This video is the end of the story. He has some other videos that seem to only lack the statement "Hey Bubba, watch this."
That's efficient! You split a log every few seconds.
With some different attachments you could also have a bead breaker, a shear, a bottle capper, or a punch press.

Too bad it stalls now and then, maybe needs something with a little more oomph! A 1066?

Oh, check out this one; you won't cut off your arm, but it may turn you into a pretzel:
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