good paint day


Well-known Member
twas a good paint day! Got home from work, and my IH decal set and hood ornament were waiting for me, no rain int he forcast, not sunny, a 4mph breeze and perfect humidity and temperature.

I masked parts that needed masking, already have the rims off again and seat and whatnot. mixed up my paint and while catylizing, got the air comp started and the guns out..

turned out great.

let her set to dry while taking care of some other farm stuff and running an errand.

came back and test fit the hood and nose and went ahead and put the seat back on, and the rims.

scratched the rims up a bit so they will have to be touched up.. no biggie.. i didn't figure I'd get them back on the centers without a scratch or two.

no wireing done.. that's another day.

filled the cooling system for a static test to see if she holds.

added the stack and air cleaner cap and oil fill cap.

forecast is for cold tmeps down into the 30's someitme in the next few days plus some rain.. so i figure i got her paint on just when i needed to.

still plenty of work to do on her, but the paint issue / temperature is no longer a sticking point..

Not bad Chris , not bad . Boy I don't think I'd be able to mount that one very easy . They didn't build them for short legged guys . God bless
Big difference from the early pics. Keep it up.

BTW, Couldn't you find a bigger rain cap?

nice looking tractor Chris

my BN is a little small for me physically,
the Super H is a little too big for some
of my trails.
That model looks perfect
When you are using it, does it
feel like our NAA,600,700's do, sizewise?
i've only driven it twice.

to be honest, it feels more like my 541 or 740.. though perhaps less power.

turns DARN sharp, and is much lighter though.

that's the rain cap that fit that pipe.. it was a 2 1/4" cap...
couldn't go smaller or bigger.. wouldn't have fit.

yep.. pretty much climb the axle.. :)

ON most of my rowcrops I added a step.

I think I have one more axle mounted step I had made for a JD B laying around. if so, it may get added to this one.

still in progress.

depending on the weather monday I'l either hand touch the rims, or if it's cold and wet, i might nose her into the shop or the breezeway for the horses and start on the re-wire.

will do.

Was mainly trying to beat the cold and wet weather.

once it dops under 55' or so the humidity gets weird.. and the paint actus funny, So I usually suspend all painting activities for the year when if finally turns cool in november, so this one slipped in under the door.. :)

Looks great! I am getting ready to paint my C this next spring. Did you paint the exhaust manifold? Won't that just burn/flake off? Did you give it one or two coats?
yes I painted the exhaust manifold, and yes, it will burn or flake off.

no reason to take the time to mask it off, since i was spray gunning it.

once it burns off I will do it in BBQ black 1500' paint. smae stuff I did the muffler in.

2 quarts / 2 coats, over brown primer.

(quoted from post at 06:28:06 11/10/11) it's IH 2150 :)


Are you sure about the IH 2150? Did you get it from a Case-IH dealer?
I've used quite a bit of the 2150 and I've never seen it turn out with a pinkish cast to it.
Where is the SHINY WARNING for your posting? You're supposed to put a warning in the subject line when you post pictures of SHINY red tractors!!

Keep up the good work!!

I'm not seeing what you are seeing ten.

my pic shows up in red?

Mind you that's my camera taking a pic in the dark, but I think it's pretty close.

where I'm standing it's pretty much 'fire engine red'

still plenty to do.. won't apply decals till it warms. suposed to be in 30's at some point this weekend.
I tell ya.. when I got her in her dull red clothes.. she looked good.. but looks a lot nicer now that sun glares off her.
my 2 cans got set up along with my masking paper and other trash this am, but when I asked for ih 2150, the jobber seemed to know what I wanted. I ended up getting 2 ans that looked like this stock pic.

is this the right stuff?
I think the "pinkish HUE" you are seeing Rusty,is the sunset reflecting off of the gloss!!!!

It does kinda look "pink"in the photo,but if you stare at it at all points of the tractor,you can see the reflection.

Maaaaaaybeeeee some of the "flash"from the camera is causing some of that light?? But it is DEFINITELY the light source in the reflection causing it.
You should have painted the alternate red also. It wouldn't stand out so much

Like this.

<a href=";current=FarmallSCandSAaltbracket.jpg" target="_blank">
FarmallSCandSAaltbracket.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
<a href="" target="_blank">
FarmallredAlt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
i considered it, however.. to some it indicates an 'auction' paint job, even if you aren't going for that look, thus I always remove alts to paint.

it would make it less obtrusive though.

I like yous.

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