Value of IH 330 Utiity


New User
I am looking for the value of my 330 IH utility tractor. I also have the loader, plow, disc, and sickle mower for it. Any suggestions or opinions?
I am in Northern Wisconsin. The tractor needs paint and tires. It has good sheet metal and runs good.
IF the tractor is servicable (tight steering, modest hours on the engine, good hydraulics, and PTO, probably 1500$ The tires make a big difference. Jim
In the northeast, I'd say you'd be in the 2000-2500 range with those implements, provided the tires are good and the tractor's presentable.

Location matters, so in Wisconsin, I'd say you're probably as much as 25% lower than that since they're so many more of them out your way.
I guess I got hooked.
I bought a real nice looking 300u with a 2001 loader painted up ( with a brush but it really looks pretty darn good ) Western PA.

$3500 I thought I did good. Couple guys I know collect this stuff said they thought I did good.
A 300 U is a very much stronger and different machine (Super H in a utility frame style with live hydraulics and fast hitch). This smaller engined version has poor tires and that is an issue. Jim
Probably not a fantastic deal, but I wouldn't say you got "hooked" either.

Overall condition makes a huge difference, and hard to put an accurate value on.

General availability matters even more. If you want one, and there isn't one around for miles, if one suddenly shows up - that's worth a premium.

If it's close enough so that you don't have to pay $500 in gas to get it - then it's worth that much more.

I've been looking for a 100 for a couple of years. They simply don't show up in my area. If and when one does, I'll probably be happy to pay a lot more than it's worth.

And by the way, most loaders I've seen that are painted, are painted by brush.

Just too hard to spray well - need to get it from every angle, and avoid parts while spraying from weird angles... Brushing makes a lot more sense.

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