Red Power Roundup 2011 pictures and videos

Excellent pictures made a great slide show. Thanks. It appears that there were a lot more IHC truck than normal at this RPRU. the IHC half track was expecially interesting. Lots of other unusual items also. What model was the TracTracTor with the cable front loader and a steering wheel rather than steering clutch handles? Again, thanks for the excellent pictures.

Harold H
(quoted from post at 14:15:33 07/01/11) Excellent pictures made a great slide show. Thanks. It appears that there were a lot more IHC truck than normal at this RPRU. the IHC half track was expecially interesting. Lots of other unusual items also. What model was the TracTracTor with the cable front loader and a steering wheel rather than steering clutch handles? Again, thanks for the excellent pictures.

Harold H

I was told that was based on an I30, with the tracks and loader added.
It was not a Trac-Trac-Tor but a Trackson which was a company that made track conversions for Fordson. I was told it was one of a kind and looked like a W30 or maybe I30 probably a purchased skid unit with no wheels or front axle. The man would like to sell it but he has his sights pretty high and I don't blame him. how do you price something that rare? I thought his asking price was very reasonable.
its an I-30 Howard. I talked to Kirk about it on the phone the other day. I looked at all his pics and then went out to the shed and compared it to Jens I-30. Theres another one of those in Missouri that i know of. They are scarce, but its not like its the only one.

maybe its just me, but 40K is waaaaaaay to much for that :?
That was nice. My favorite was the A with all the cultivators, beautiful. I also liked the white steel-wheel tractor on the red mulch. Nice touch.
Thank you for taking and sharing your photos!! I thought it was a great show in Albert Lea! Hats off to Chapter 15 and all of the folks involved in putting on the show!! Thank you to all of you who brought something "red" to share!!
Posted on the other one, Can you tell me the story of the white f
series farmall? Its quite interesting.
(quoted from post at 19:04:40 07/01/11) Do you know how many were made? I kinda figured I30
but if it was a skid unit would it have that

even if it was built as simply a chassis and engine with no wheels, it would have a serial tag. way to many similarities to Jens I-30 to think its another chassis
The White Farmall is a special project we did to raise money for the Nebraska Tractor Test Museum. The tractor went to a young man from Iowa and you will be seeing more of it in the future.

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