H Parade Speed???

I plan to put my newly restored "49 H in the local Independance Day parade this year, towing a 20 foot flatbed trailer with lots of kids on it. 5th gear is obviously not an option as it is way too fast. I am worried that 4th gear will not be fast enough to keep up with the rest of the parade. Also, although the brakes on my H are in good shape, will they be able to stop the H AND a 20 foot flatbed full of kids on a hill if needed? Any experienced "H" parade drivers out there? What can I expect?
4th will be just fine parades usually dont go fast anyway. The total wt of the kids will be handled good with the brakes. Your responsible for their safety not speed you will be fine.
It's a parade, not a NASCAR race. Your H will easily do 5MPH in 4th.

There are a lot of people marching in this parade. 5MPH is a pretty brisk march.
I've done a few local HS Homecoming parades. I've had to use three gears, Low, 2nd, and neutral.:)
You'll do fine. If in doubt use a lower gear. That should help on the hills. I had good brakes on my H and it handled this load just fine.
If there is any marching bands or anyone on foot in front of you then 1st or 2nd will be as fast as you'll be going at a slow idle. Watch for small kids darting out in front of you. Happens all the time if they are throwing candy.
Seems to me that the lady with her legs hanging out and feet almost dragging on the pavement is a very unsafe practice but one that you see quite often.
Seth, That trailer in your parade picture looks exactly like the one I"ll be towing, and I envision a very similar load of people too. This parade will be in Augusta Maine, and it is mostly down hill. If I can choose the right gear, I"m hoping that I can let the engine do the braking. I have a set of the same rear wheel weights as you, but they are currently not installed. Any benefit to installing them for the parade? Nice looking H you have there.
I was in a Memorial Day Parade and used 4 th gear at lowest RPM, then goosed it to catch up after stopping to talk with people taking pics. Have fun.

not to go crazy on subject, if your worried about saftey, hang a small 12v somewhere and hook-up brake controller for trailer, i sure it has brakes, as other stated, don't have any one hanging over sides.
I've been in a lot of parades, both walking and driving. Most parades go at a walking pace, which is a dead crawl for most any vehicle, even a tractor.

When driving I usually have trouble going slow enough to keep from running over the band or girl scout troop in front of me. I spend most of the time in first gear or neutral, the brakes are on a lot.
Most parades I have seen, 3rd would be OK. But if you need to catch up, shift up to 3rd. Not a problem to push in the clutch and shift. And the brakes should be fine, IF, IF they are in good working condition.

I have shifted an H Farmall about 18 zillion times.

With 4 usable gears and a full range of throttle positions, the issue is non existent. Think ahead to the children running for candy, the stroller mom letting it roll into your path, and a guy on a unicycle falling into your tires. The most important piece of advice is to have a spotter on the trailer able to add to your ability to stop.
Do not let anyone hang their legs over the front or sides (ever). If they fall, they will likely stick some part under the trailer wheel to be crushed.
It is a safe thing to do, it is also a responsible thing to do. Your question indicates that that you have that responsibility. Have fun, Jim
Put someone in charge on the trailer for safety. You will be focused looking forward.

Absolutely nobody should be hanging off the front of the trailer, nor sitting such that a sudden stop would have them fall forward & under the trailer.

Poor attention to this detail has caused hay rides and tractor club people movers to draw some negative attention.

Lower gears will slow you on a hill, but parades do start & stop, so make sure you can stop your rig, one way or the other. You want to get your picture in the paper with a smile on your face, not stuck into the local 4H float.

Parades are fun. Watch for kids darting out to nab a tootsie-roll off the street in front of you.


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